Protein On Off Days...


Im on a high protein (1.5g/lb) moderate carb (.5-1g/lb) and low fat (.25/lb) Being that Im 235 thats a shitload of protein to take in. I've managed to make my goal most days if not then ill get around 300 grams. Im wondering if its necc. to take this much in on my off days? Keep in mind however that alot of those off days im still working , which is manual labor (furniture moving)

also, if i need to adjust the carbs and fats as well let me know.
assuming maintenance levels, you could lower protein and make up the calories with carbs and fat. not any substantial difference.
lexeune said:
the human body can ingest 71% h-carb 22 prot, 7 fat

thanks guys, i only say this because i've heard, without getting into details, that unused protein can be stored as fat. Is this true?
thanks guys, i only say this because i've heard, without getting into details, that unused protein can be stored as fat. Is this true?

sure it can. excess calories from any energy source can be stored as fat.

I´ve heard that you can at most use 1,8 g of protein per kg no idea if thats true though