Protein Powder with Creatine?

DRveejay11 said:
Cory and Doggy: you both correct! This is a personal choice paying close attention to effecft prior OR post. I notice better effects taking creating 1 hor prior to starting my workouts. My buddies on the other hand notcice a great effect when taken post-WO. You both bring up correct validated scientific-based perspectives BUT this is one of those "figure out what works best for you" things! ;)

good point...
for those who can afford it, take at both times... :)
doggy said:
you could try Methex Whey by sportlab... good stuff!! just click on my link at the bottom... sportlab

i was just waiting for you to come and reply...

i was thinking, "wheres doggy, i havent seen a sportslab link yet" :D
grafix-gnc said:
i was just waiting for you to come and reply...

i was thinking, "wheres doggy, i havent seen a sportslab link yet" :D

not too worry bro, Im never far away!! ;)
Designer Whey is great tasting and relatively inexpensive :)

as for creatine I would suggest just about any of them will work, u can pick it up cheap from but if you want one that has sugar and flavoring added i would suggest Phosphogen HP Orange :)