Protien shake with a Meal

B bOy CrAyOn

Learning the Ways
is there anything wrong with having your protien shake with your food ?
im not making a habit of it or anything, but if i wake up really late some days and feel really hungry and i dont think its a meal with a lot of protien i do this somedays
Personally I think this would just be too much food.
I feel you on not gettin enough pro. but I'm trying to gain while still maintaining my waist.
I do 3 shakes a day as it is.
But I always start the day with 4 eggs & oatmeal w/p. butter. & a little fruit.
2 hours later I hit up the shake.
yea i totally understand you but i make it a shake and a very small meal so i dont feel stuffed. i never ever stuff myself because i have a fear of stretching to stomach out and having that gut type of look with not even really having any fat on my stomach kinda like Chuck Lidell. so im guessing this aint too much to worry about then and my waist is pretty small, like a 28 or 30
i don't see a problem if your stomach can handle it. i sometimes have a prot. drink with a couple of pb&j sammiches as a snack.