proviron / mesterolone ;kerjadn;jdn

Its not really a compound that one expects results (like one does with AAS), its rather an add-on for assistance that serve different purposes..

assisting with sex drive
assisting with staying dry/hard (at above moderate dosages for most)
assisting with freeing up bound test for high free test levels
assisting with estro side effects (nothing worth writing home about)

But, the number one for most is

Assisting with sense of well being, assisting with unwanted sides from tren, improvement with mental state/brain functions/mental health,and libido...
Its not really a compound that one expects results (like one does with AAS), its rather an add-on for assistance that serve different purposes..

assisting with sex drive
assisting with staying dry/hard (at above moderate dosages for most)
assisting with freeing up bound test for high free test levels
assisting with estro side effects (nothing worth writing home about)

But, the number one for most is

Assisting with sense of well being, assisting with unwanted sides from tren, improvement with mental state/brain functions/mental health,and libido...

Obviously anything I say at this point will merely sound bias, so I will allow the community or the vast positive feedback that is across all of the panels to speak for itself...
thanks vision, im more then likely gonna buy from your site but i would like to hear from your customers about your products.
I use provi's it daily . I am a masteron fan as well . I like the dry look . The sex drive will annoy your ol lady especially combined with 750 of cyp . I know Vision from another board . He is a stand up guy and an asset to all boards he is on .