Show her it's really a mans world, she'll be naming you traffic control in no time, ya dig Mr.Longshanks?
Now you're probably questioning why you should score some of these Viagras or Cialis -
Statistics have shown that more money is invested in erectile prescription drugs & blow-jobs compared to Alzheimer's, that shit right there speaks volumes,it shows me that we do care about our future come 2040 there shall be no shortage of perky tits while we have stiff willies..Good shit right there!
A few things you'll notice:
[*=center]Erections lasting more then 4hrs (Oh no,a long lasting boner? Said no one ever)
[*=center]You can take the stuff for sun burn,It may not cure the shit but it will keep the sheets off your legs
[*=center]When a young punk runs his mouth,you'll fuck his mom and wed that shit just to prove a point by making that fucker your step child!
[*=center]You'll realize that this shit is the only real mind altering drug (you'll lower your standards just to get relief)
[*=center]May cause faint,elevated heart rate and blindness,so they say.. (Good job Genghis Khan now that how you smash it
[*=center]Fuck tedious core work-outs, plank on your junk
[*=center]You'll realize that there are no sluts,just women with friendly vagina's
Listen,truth of the matter is there may be sides, particularly nothing but incredibly good times..
Treat her to a memorable Valentines day!

VIAGRA 100 - 100mg/tab EP
CIALIS 20 - 20mg/tab EP
My suggestion, Viagra or Cialis because if you can't ring her bell,others will...Just say'n!