PWO Shake timing


New member
Hey guys I know there is a million threads on this so I apologize, I just couldn't find one to answer my specific question.

My goal right now is to bulk up so for my PWO shake I heard a stack of Whey, Creatine, ALA and waxy maize with 1000mg of Vit. C seems to work well, however I've heard that I should hold off on the whey until 20-30 minutes post-workout...Is that true or should I stack it all one shake?

Also how much waxy maize and ALA should I be taking? And should I only take it post workout or everyday? Thanks guys!
Im guessing you were told to hold off with the whey so the creatine can absorb, because with most creatines it is suggested to "take on an empty stomach". If that's your concearn just take your creatine pre workout.