Q: bacteria in gear


yeah buddy
I don't know if i am posting this in the right section, Please excuse my noobtacularness if i did.. But i get asked this question frequently and i want to know the answer. :afro:

Lets say you buy some gear, and it has bacteria in it and you get sick. Well depending on how bad the bacteria is your body could built immunity to it so you could get through the rest of the vial without losing your gear. - OR - What if somehow you contaminated it itself.

What can you do to salvage your gear and keep it steril, If this should happen is there a fix? anyone know? :toilet:

i've researched some and have recieved short answers such as 'bake it in your oven' etc.. :rolleyes:
filter it with a .22um, as far as i reaserched (since i'm newbie on homebrew) it's the best solution.
the baking have to be in a range of temperature, during a certain time considering the volume, density, the thickness of the galss of the vial..etc.. there are too many variables! And baking may also destroy the gear if you want proper sterilization... So my best answer for now is suck the gear from the vial and filter it to a new sterile one with a 25mm .22um! Some types of bacteria/virus may pass if they are present in the gear but you should consider that it can be a remote hipotesis plus the filtering.
insaned said:
filter it with a .22um, as far as i reaserched (since i'm newbie on homebrew) it's the best solution.
the baking have to be in a range of temperature, during a certain time considering the volume, density, the thickness of the galss of the vial..etc.. there are too many variables! And baking may also destroy the gear if you want proper sterilization... So my best answer for now is suck the gear from the vial and filter it to a new sterile one with a 25mm .22um! Some types of bacteria/virus may pass if they are present in the gear but you should consider that it can be a remote hipotesis plus the filtering.

insaned, have you done this?
No, like i said it is based on recent reaserch since only now i'm starting to homebrew!
If you are asking about the filtering itself, not yet because i had to order overseas..
insaned said:
No, like i said it is based on recent reaserch since only now i'm starting to homebrew!
If you are asking about the filtering itself, not yet because i had to order overseas..

the reason i asked is cause you suggesting something to someone you have not tried. =0l

and if you basing everything on studies you read then its a 50/50 shot at best what you are saying is correct.
true, but i prefer in this case have this well studied rather than go in with experiment and get sick, afterall it is deep IM injection with a homemade product.
In my answer I gave an opinion and i had the carefull to say that i was newbie on this and that my answer was based on reaserch, now the user should do his homework and check that if what i'm saying is correct or not...

Afterall you agree with my answer or not? I'm interested in your opinion too and answers from more experienced users are always good to know!
insaned. Cool. thanks for the advice. let me know how your homebrew comes out.

Getting filters in pain in the ass.
Being well researched is fine. But remember, this homebrew thing is EASY and yes, safe as can be. When you overthink things and use your brain too much, THATS when shit goes wrong and you make mistakes.

Mix powder, oil, solvents over heat - wait till she's clear
Filter into vial
(bake if you choose)
big-tymer said:
Getting filters in pain in the ass.

Really? Why don't you click on the word filter in my post or your post and DougE's post and see what happens.
RJH8541 said:
Really? Why don't you click on the word filter in my post or your post and DougE's post and see what happens.

Let me re-phrase, locally. Now. today snap snap. it's difficult. lol :goof: