Question about lining up PCT with travel


New member
So here is the issue. I travel May 18th.

I would be starting the third month of my cycle tomorrow. The cycle is 40mg Anavar, and 1ml sust 350 every 3 days.

Basically I am trying to line up the best situation, to not be without test while on my trip.

Three options I have come up with so far.

1. Continue with my cycle, start the PCT either on time or a little early. I have heard that since the PCT is non-controlled that I could take this with me? Anyone know for sure about this?
2. Stop the cycle now, do PCT in a month, and be back to normal for my trip. Do another 2 month or 3 month later on down the line.
3. Extend the cycle to 4 months, meaning I would travel out the month before my PCT would start. Would this mean test levels would be pretty close to depleted by this point?

Thanks in advance for any input.
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How long is the trip? If only a couple days, you'll be fine. If we're talking several weeks, I'd just PCT now and give it a go again in the future.

My .02c :)
I keep a little stache of old rx bottles. All my open orals, ancillaries go in them. Put my adex, cialis, dbol in seperate rx bottles labeled carvediol, irbesartan, or fenofibrate. I put all the actual meds I use daily in other bottle( all the pills look different)

Put them in carry on and in the overhead luggage compartment.
They ain't gonna do chemical tests on pills in a rx bottle
I keep a little stache of old rx bottles. All my open orals, ancillaries go in them. Put my adex, cialis, dbol in seperate rx bottles labeled carvediol, irbesartan, or fenofibrate. I put all the actual meds I use daily in other bottle( all the pills look different)

Put them in carry on and in the overhead luggage compartment.
They ain't gonna do chemical tests on pills in a rx bottle

Yep same here. I even travel with injectables oil and or peptides. I have never once been even questioned. I preload the pins and just take them with. goes through the scanner in my carry on. no issues. One time I was in Frankfort Germany and had my bag of goodies and someone accidentally spilled my entire carry on all over the belt. (Dummy me did not zip it shut) Plastic see through bag right there in plain daylight with pins and vials. I left it like it wasn't even mine and walked away. As i was walking away a security guy calls out, "Sir!!" I cringed and turned around he hands me the bag and says, "I think you dropped this." I was just floored I thought for sure I was going to a German prison.

I don't think they are looking for gear or at least they don't care. Another thing you can do is send it to the hotel your staying at and its waiting for you when you get there. Or just double dose it before you go. Not the best solution and you might get a few sides from the increase but at least your blood levels won't go low while on your trip.
@halfwit, the trip length is 2 weeks. Thanks for the feedback guys.

Yeah, you can try the things mentioned or just PCT out early. Two weeks is a bit on the long side to go without pinning. I do like the idea of using Rx bottles though. Just make sure if you go that route, they're sterile!