Question about my cycle...

adam p

New member
Hey guys. Have a question. I am currently on my 13th week of Test E & 9th week of Tren E. Started the cycle with Test E & Anadrol first 4 weeks then jumped on Tren E.

After completing 9 weeks with Tren. I ran out. I wont be able to get my hands on it for few weeks. Goal was to run Tren e for 12 weeks. And Test for 16.

I have Deca. If I decide to jump on Deca for last 2-3 weeks would that be ok? Would that just add on to the tren in my system? Or should I just finish last few weeks with anadrol and test? Appreciate all the help.
Research esters. Deca has a really slow acting ester so it would be essentially pointless to take it for 3-4 weeks. NPP would work though if you want to stick with nandrolone.
Thanks for the responses. I will prob do that. Do you think it'll be a bad idea to add Anadrol to finish it up with? Used Anadrol with test the first 4 weeks as a kick start. Will adding it again for last 2-3 weeks with test be a bad idea?
Thanks for the responses. I will prob do that. Do you think it'll be a bad idea to add Anadrol to finish it up with? Used Anadrol with test the first 4 weeks as a kick start. Will adding it again for last 2-3 weeks with test be a bad idea?

What did your mid-cycle liver blood work show?
Don't keep jumping around. Leave it alone. What do you think it is going to do or change at this point.

What are your stats anyway?