Question : what is Anderoginc steroids and anabolic steroids ?


New member
hi i am very beginner to the setroids and i'd like to know what means Anderoginc steroids and Anabolic steroids ? and what is the difference between the two ?
most steroids have some of both; androgenic and anabolic properties. basically scientists/docters invented synthetic testosterone and wanted to find a way to not have as many adrogenic sides as all they wanted was just the anabolic properties of the drug. so they changed the test molecule slightly, resulting in a new diff steroid with diff properties than the origional. Androgenic properties of the hormone are those pertaining to the ones that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics. whereas anabolic properties pertain to those that build/repair muscle, the more anabolic something is the better basically. but in most cases to have a very anabolic steroid it is usually very androgenic at the same time. hope this helps. btw theres many reads on this stuff if ya search.