Questions about 3rd cycle Test P/Npp


New member
Hey everyone,

Im looking to run my next cycle in a couple of months. Ive done Test E/Tbol for 12 weeks and also Test/Deca/Dbol for 12 weeks. The deca cycle was my most enjoyable except for the bloat and mild gyno issues. First some info on me

Age: 26
Ht: 5'6
Wt: 170
Bf: 14%
Years lifting: on/off for 10 years, serious for 2
Diet: 2700 for maintenance 40/40/20 6 meals per day. +500 for bulking

So I want to run a short bulker. Im thinking 6 weeks. I liked the deca run but it was a long cycle with more shut down. I also want to take advantage of nandrolone's joint soothing effects. Im thinking of this...

Week 1-6 Test Prop @ 150 eod
Week 1-5 NPP @ 150 eod
Week 1-6 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 250iu twice per week
Week 1-6 Exemestane @ 1ml ed
Caber on hand
5 days after my last pin start PCT of Nolva/Clomid @ 40/40/20/20 and 50/50/50/50 respectively.

Im also thinking of running an oral such as dbol @30-50mg for 3-4 weeks.

The idea behind the short cycles appeals to me because I can take less time off between cycles. 6 week cycle and I take 6-8 weeks off instead of a 12 week cycle and take 16-20 weeks off. Thats why I was thinking of running the NPP a little bit higher. Shorter time on, clears faster...sounds like it would be a good run. And what about the nolva for pct after the npp? I have heard mixed thoughts on nolva after a nandrolone.

What do you bros think?
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i think 6 week cycles are more for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patients. i would extend yours to 8 weeks if you want a shorter cycle. my best gains from npp came weeks 6,7 and 8
Is there a need to run the Test dose higher than the NPP, like a deca cycle?

If it was me yes i would, my libido suffered when my test wasn't higher and i was using caber...i like the test 3/2 over the npp so like 525 test p and 350 npp each per week
6wks is really is. You will grow like a weed on npp(my favorite coumpound). Sure you'll see gains, but around wk 6 is where npp starts to peak. Run it for another 4-6 wks for the full effect.
You can go either way test higher/npp higher. After my 3rd cycle with it..I prefer running npp at 450mg with test at 650mg. I've gone 650npp/500test. No visual significant difference between the two. Either way ..
Anvar is a great for ending your cycle simply for muscle preservation. You maintain your gains longer from my experience.
Im not really looking to run a long cycle. If the gains are worth it though I will definitely consider it. How much more gains would I see running it 10 weeks vs 6 weeks?
Im not really looking to run a long cycle. If the gains are worth it though I will definitely consider it. How much more gains would I see running it 10 weeks vs 6 weeks?

how could anyone possibly know this answer? Gains are more about your diet and training than the gear you run. I will say this, you will be wanting to extend the cycle when you get to 6 weeks so buy enough gear for 10
Im not really looking to run a long cycle. If the gains are worth it though I will definitely consider it. How much more gains would I see running it 10 weeks vs 6 weeks?
You'll see 4 wks worth of gains!! I run 20wk cycles and always recover just fine with a solid ptc/diet/training regimen. At wk16 I plateau with the amounts I run from my experience. I'm not a huge fan of short cycles though...leaves too much on the table of available gains to be had. I also feel I keep my most of my gains. I've ran 8&10wk and compete...I feel the shorter cycles are alot harder to maintain your gains..they come and go. Again,from my experience.
Ok very good points. So if I will be running that long of a cycle I would want to switch to test e and pin the npp 3 days per week. And if I switch to enanthate I could pin NPP up until my last pin of test right? The NPP will clear before my test levels drop?

Week 1-10 Test E @ 250mg M, F
Week 1-10 NPP @ 100mg M, W, F
Week 1-10 HCG @ 250iu twice per week
Week 1-10 Exemestane @ 1ml ed
Caber on hand

Week 13-16 Nolva/clomid @ 40/40/20/20 and 50/50/50/50 respectively.

Also I want to put dbol in the front

Week 1-4 dbol @ 30mg/day

How does that look?
Ok very good points. So if I will be running that long of a cycle I would want to switch to test e and pin the npp 3 days per week. And if I switch to enanthate I could pin NPP up until my last pin of test right? The NPP will clear before my test levels drop?

Week 1-10 Test E @ 250mg M, F
Week 1-10 NPP @ 100mg M, W, F
Week 1-10 HCG @ 250iu twice per week
Week 1-10 Exemestane @ 1ml ed
Caber on hand

Week 13-16 Nolva/clomid @ 40/40/20/20 and 50/50/50/50 respectively.

Also I want to put dbol in the front

Week 1-4 dbol @ 30mg/day

How does that look? run 12 if possible.. I always use test e with npp..mon/wed/fri..keeps the pinning regimen the same and keeps blood levels alittle more stable. I either cut the npp a week before , or run them the same amount of weeks. It not a big deal either way imo...Your gonna love npp!! I now run it with every cycle.
Awesome, I am going to start getting all this put together. I plan on running it in the december/january time frame.

Thanks for all the help guys.