Questions concerning dmz 2.0

Supine Bicycle

New member
Hi all I am new to the site and have a few questions concerning dmz2.0 I continue to read good things about it but can't seem to find answers to all the right questions. I am 26 yrs old 5'7" and about 190 lbs bf is about 14%. I have been working out on and off for as long as I can remember but very consistently over the last 2 yrs. bench is 345 squat 370 and DL a little over 400. My diet is fairly good not perfect .This is the first pro hormone I have considered using to get over my plateau gain some size all the good stuff.
Ok enough about me I would like to know of any serious to minor side effects(especially if hair loss is common) what to cycle with it. Is it worth taking are there better things on the market not a huge supplement guy so I'm in the dark here just want to step it up to the next level. I would really appreciate all the input good and bad thanks all.
Im on my third week of dmz 2.0 and i can definitely tell you its some powerful stuff. Every week im putting on considerable mass and its literally eye popping! The only side effect ive had is i am hungry ALL THE TIME. Now i usually eat a lot but man i have been ravenous to the point where i am scarfing down junk food that i never even touch. The only other side effect other than that is getting massively jacked!
Ok so appreciate the info been looking around on these sites listed for supplements seems legit wanted to know if I should run clomid or nolvadex on a pct or is dmz not strong enough for either of these not really sure also I keep reding that nolvadex is the better of the 2. Any thoughts on that?
Some of the GK prohormones from n2bm actually have built in natural AI's along with it. Look into them. I would use a serm for PCT though along with some hcgenerate.