Questions regarding halodrol cycle


New member
I'm starting my first cycle which will be haloplex.

Here are some of my stats: 5'9.5 185lb 14%bf 20yrs old
Bench: 225x11 265x3 295x1
Deadlifts: 315x10 385x1
Squats ATG: 325x3

I did a lot of research and am trying to go about this in the safest way possible. My cycle layout looks like this
cycle assist CEL
1020mg hawthorn berry
multi, 6 fish oil caps, echinacea, glucosamine

Haloplex: 50/75/75/75/75/75
cycle assist CEL
1020 mg hawthorn berry
200mg coq10
multi, 6 fish oil caps, echinacea, glucosamine
5g taurine (if back pumps occur)
Vitamin b6/b12 to increase appetite

post cycle therapy (pct):
Nolvadex (liquid form): 20/20/10/10
multi, 6 fish oil caps, echinacea, glucosamine
kre alkalyn
assault pre workout
DAA, HCgenerate, erase

I will start DAA and HCGenerate at the begininng of post cycle therapy (pct), but erase will be taken during week three and will be taken for 3 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) dosed at 3/2/2/1 (pills/day)

I plan on eating around 4000-4500 calories while getting in at least 300g protein and 2 gals of water daily. Training will be split into upper body 3x/week and lower body 3x/week.

My questions are 1) I want to gain around 8-10lb of muscle on this cycle and gain strength. Is this a reasonable goal with halodrol?
2) Is DAA + HCGenerate kinda over kill? Is DAA enough for promoting libido during post cycle therapy (pct)?
3) I bought the liquid nolva (tamoxifen citrate). It says that 1ml = 25mg. Is 25mg of liquidnolva the same as 20mg of the tablet form?
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1)Gains ALWAYS depend on your diet. 8-10lb. Of combined weight (water, muscle, fat, etc) seem pretty realistic to me. To me, it's about how much you keep after your cycle, not on it.

2)Halodrol doesn't shut you down that bad, so it can be overkill. Best to have on hand in case though. Your SERM should be enough to restore you though.

If this is your first EVER cycle, I'm not sure I would run it for 6 weeks. However, if this is just your first time on THIS Ph then no worries.

You look like you have everything set up and have a pretty solid plan. Best of luck man. Be sure to get some before and after stats and pics.
Looks like a little overkill, but if it is your first cycle and you are trying to be super safe, then it looks good :) I'm personally a fan of clomid for pct, but to each their own :)
Personally would touch a pro hormone but i,m no expert but do some more research but thats my best advice

Understandable. Some people just don't want to pin/can't find a legit source to get the real deal. IMO, PH/DS are a nice way to "test the water" before diving into a full blown 12-16 week cycle. Also, there are some really strong DS like DMZ and Epi which compare well to D-Bol and others.
Yea this is my first cycle ever. I was kinda iffy about a 6weeker, so maybe i might try 5-6. I'll be sure to post pics
Understandable. Some people just don't want to pin/can't find a legit source to get the real deal. IMO, PH/DS are a nice way to "test the water" before diving into a full blown 12-16 week cycle. Also, there are some really strong DS like DMZ and Epi which compare well to D-Bol and others.

Yea thats the problem, I dont have many sources. And I'm not sure if the one source Ik is reliable. So I wanna stick to a ph for my first cycle. I've read abt dmz n epi, but I wanna stay with a dry ph like halo because It's non-aromatizing and wont covnert into estrogen. I know a few folks my age that ran an anavar only cycle n got taller during it.
If you really are wanting to play it safe, you would drop that shit (Terrible on ur liver) and pick up so damn test.
If you really are wanting to play it safe, you would drop that shit (Terrible on ur liver) and pick up so damn test.

Yes, Halodrol IS hepatoxic. However, it's not nearly as bad as some others out there and for the most part, you won't do much damage if you keep doses and cycle length reasonable. I doubt anyone is dumb enough to be taking 125mg+ of some 17aa steroid for longer than 6 weeks, unless they intentionally want to kill their liver and lipid values. There aren't that many (I think 3-4 reported cases) of serious hepatic liver damage due to 17aa compounds and the ones that do exist are from extremely high and prolonged doses.

Just my 0.02 cents. :)