Quick one on Protein Pancakes or Poridge


New member
Js a quick question on protein when heating it Eggs the protein structure changes (I dunno if this affects the quality). I was wondering if this is the same with powders?

I tend to throw a few scoops in with my porridge or pancake mix in the mornings and was thinking am I destroying the quality of the protein with heat.

Sorry if it's a daft question, feel free to rip the piss if needed. :)
hey drako
from what i have read, microwaving food denatures, or breaks the chemical bonds, of protein molecules. it excites the water/hydrogen molecules.

in the end, though, even if the protein is slightly damaged, i suspect it makes very little difference in the overall picture of your body.

also, premade protein drinks in cans (i'm not sure about the kind in little one serving boxes) have damaged proteins because the contents of the can have to be highly heated in production processes. so i stay away from those because i believe generally i'm not getting the full amount of quality protein the drink lists on its container. hope this helps.
Cheers bud. I tend to stay clear of them to. Welsoon gonna continue to munch down on the pancakes until I hear or read otherwise :)

Cheers for the feedback.
I haven't mate. I tend to blend 50g porridge oats, 1 scoop whey and 5 eggwhites. Makes about 3 pancakes. Taste alright.
Here's one of my faves and very easy. Put two scoops of delicious protein powder( I use Gaspari banana or chocolate) in bowl. Add serving of peanut or almond butter and water to mix into a wet batter. It should not be soupy. Microwave for about one minute and you have a delicious banana protein brownie. The center will be a little gooey and heaven.

Stats: 50g pro, 0 carbs, 15g fats. Great bedtime treat.
Here's one of my faves and very easy. Put two scoops of delicious protein powder( I use Gaspari banana or chocolate) in bowl. Add serving of peanut or almond butter and water to mix into a wet batter. It should not be soupy. Microwave for about one minute and you have a delicious banana protein brownie. The center will be a little gooey and heaven.

Stats: 50g pro, 0 carbs, 15g fats. Great bedtime treat.

Very similar to what I do - 1 scoop chocolate protein (MMR when making these - everything else I tried doesn't seem to bake right), 1 egg white, 1 TBSP Pumpkin, 1 TSP baking , 1 TSP baking powder, 1 TBSP coco powder, little water if needed - stir that shit up and toss it in the micorwave for 60 seconds. When its done I spread a little almond or cashew butter on top and I'm in heaven