Rate my diet.......


New member
I'm 5'10 at 185lbs. I wanna get in shape :)

1) 1 cup of outmeal and 1 izo protein shake-----6.00am

2)1/2 cup of brown rice and 6oz of chiquen-----9.00am

3) 4 oz of red potato and 6oz of tilapia fish----12.00pm

4) 1/2 cup of brocoli and 6 oz of chiken--------3.00pm

5)1 cup of brocoli and 6oz of tilapia fish------6.00pm

6) izo protein shake and 1 cup of brocoli------9.00pm

rate my diet please guys and thanks for all

if you train between meal 2 and 3 and take PWO after training then your diet looks great , only for meal 6 take casein or cottage cheese instead iso protein
Markoni321 said:
only for meal 6 take casein or cottage cheese instead iso protein
Or you could have a casein shake ;)

Your diet looks great for cutting!
One more question guys in my diet i can take glutamine and chromiun picolinate tabs ?

thanks for all .....

One more question in my cravings or chitings times i can take cristal lite to control that ?
is a soft drink mix 0 carb drink whit 5 calories 0 sodium with splenda (crystal light )he comes in many flavor strawberry orange banana , ice tea and many more.......
tomorrow i star my diet :)........ thanks for all the help guys

today 5.10 and 182 my weight