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Obviously you don't read the rules on this forum or you're a brain dead jackass. Go take your bullsh-t

I'll bet you five grand P.S.L. Blows em out of the water!!!!
Obviously you don't read the rules on this forum or you're a brain dead jackass. Go take your bullsh-t

I'll bet you five grand P.S.L. Blows em out of the water!!!!

ive ordered from psl too. actually waiting on some gh from them as we speak. they just arent as fast. psl takes a little while. whats with the negative response man? i wasnt giving away a site. i was talking about a pharma place.
Obviously you don't read the rules on this forum or you're a brain dead jackass. Go take your bullsh-t

I'll bet you five grand P.S.L. Blows em out of the water!!!!

Now who's the crabby one? :) Easy ya don't want to get a bad rep like I have about flaming !!
You guys are right my bad I upped my test by alot my wife says I'm always bitchin for no reason.
Sorry y'all I've been on edge lately.
this place is top knotch and the customer service is impeccable. i cant express enough how fast they work and how great their customer service is. highly recommend this pharma shop.

Vaultek used to be Paxton. Paxton was awesome! But they are UGL, not pharma.
i feel the test/tren anger coming out LOl

Don't know your experience or temperament but the anger and temper on Tren can be a bit dangerous with the right/ wrong person. AND it can happen quick.

That's me , I have a problem... so I just caution the inexperienced with this compound. Some have no problem.
My 0.2
Don't know your experience or temperament but the anger and temper on Tren can be a bit dangerous with the right/ wrong person. AND it can happen quick.

That's me , I have a problem... so I just caution the inexperienced with this compound. Some have no problem.
My 0.2

iv experienced tren and yes i know how it can affect ones way of handling things calmly. i have a problem on it as well, then again the change tren brings to th body is rather impressive.
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