Recomp cycle log - Test Prop, Epistane, 11 oxo, GW 50156, DNP


New member
Hello all,

It's been a while since I've posted on these boards, so I thought I'd change it up.

6'3 235
19% BF
Bench: 315
Squat: 435
Clean: 305

Cycle layout (12 weeks):
(1-12) Test Prop 100mg EOD
(1-?) Epistane 40mg ED Split
(1-?) 11 oxo 300mg ED
(1-12) GW 50156 20mg
(1-2) DNP 200mg ED 3 days, 400mg remainder
(10-12) DNP 400mg ED
(12-16) Nolvadex 30mg ED
*Arimidex on hand

Get to 12-13% BF
Gain 10 lbs net weight (roughly 15-20 lbs muscle)
Increase speed and quickness
Increase strength

It should also be noted that I have ADD and take methylphenidate in low XR doses 3-4 days / week. I also smoke marijuana damn near every evening. I don't drink.

I'd also like to mention that I'd like to keep comments on how bad of a drug DNP is off this thread.

The epistane and 11-oxo were left over from a planned PH cycle years ago that I never did. I have one bottle of each and I'll take them until they run out, roughly 4 weeks. I used the GW once in the past and still had quite a bit left over. I had fairly decent results, so I'm throwing that in, too.

Also I'm a college football player, DE. Drug testing won't be an issue.

Feel free to critique or make suggestions! I'll be trying to update daily for the next 3 months.
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instead of running test Prop EOD for 12 weeks,, which is a long ass time pinning that much with other compounds.
I'd run your test like this,, just front load the test prop until the long ester test kicks in which you will then only have to pin twice a week.
Test Prop - 100 mg EOD - weeks 1-6
Test E - 500 mg a week - weeks 1-12
Day 1: Injected at 11:00am, right delt. Took orals, nothing else of note. I got a little motivation spike from knowing I'm "on" again.

Day 2: Took orals in the AM. First DNP pill 200mg came midday. Mild hot flashes, nothing bad.

Day 3: Woke up at 5:30am today to study then go to a review session at 7 for a test at 8. I left the session more confused than I was before... not a very good teacher. Jabbed in the AM, left delt. Took 200mg DNP. I am feeling the DNP a little more now, mild hot flashes are more frequent now. Very little excessive sweating so far.

Should also mention some about my diet. It's nothing grand, seeing as I'm a broke ass college student. I'm only on a partial scholarship, so I still pay for school. Living in dorms so no oven, only a microwave. Here's what it typically looks like:

7:30am - 2 packs instant quaker oatmeal, 2 oikos non fat sugar free greek yogurt
Protein: 47g
Carbs: 45g
Fat: 2g

11:00 am - 1/2 cup instant minute rice, 1 can chicken, alfredo sauce
Protein: 54g
Carbs: 34g
Fats: 6.5g

Workout 2:30
Post workout - 30 mg whey

3:45pm -chicken and rice again

6:00pm - chicken and rice... again

8:00pm - 2 non fat oikos greek yogurt
protein: 30g
carbs: 30g
fats: 0g

2,140 cals
275g protein
186g carbs
38g fats

I know it's not ideal, but it's all I can afford, and it's not awful macro wise.

Diet will look like this for every day on DNP, about a 1300 calorie deficit. I know it's pretty steep, but I'm hoping the anti-catabolic effects of 11-oxo help retain LBM.

Every other day, I'll be at a 250 cal surplus, more carbs and more fats. It'll look like this:
3600 cals
300g protein
350g carbs
100g fats

Here are some before pics taken the morning of day 1.

View attachment 563291
View attachment 563290

Relaxed in both, no flexing.
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Roush, If I weren't an athlete, I would switch over to test E and kickstart with prop. However, I've scheduled this cycle just right so I can piss clear for drug tests. Waiting the extra 2 weeks for test E to clear to start PCT pushes me into a pretty risky area where I might still have metabolites in my urine, so I don't want to risk it.

Besides, I don't mind frequent jabs. Call me crazy, but I sort of actually like pinning myself. It can be invigorating :D
I'm on my second day with the DNP and I'm getting some strange GI sides. Stomach rumbling all the time and I always seem to be gassy. Like extremely gassy. I'm only assuming this is from the dnp, though.
Weight: 235.00

I'm eating my first round of chicken and rice now. This is the first time I've really noticed a hot flash... I'm sitting with my shirt off next to the open window (it's winter where I am.) Gonna be a long 12 days haha
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GI sides proved to be quite unpleasant during my first lift on DNP. It feels like my bowels are "full" with gas, if that makes sense. I also used a pre-workout to combat any lethargy. Energy levels were fine throughout workout.
Day 4 of cycle and day 3 of DNP

Not quite feeling 'on' yet, but it's getting there. I decided to bump the dnp up today to 400mg since sides seemed very tolerable. This was before I weighed myself today and was quite shocked...

Weight: 238.3

I had actually gained three lbs. I was pretty surprised at first, but quickly realized it probably was just excessive bloat, considering how much sodium is in my diet. I've read about guys who gained weight at first, but in the end lost about 15 lbs. It will be interesting to see how it goes.

Today was an off day, only one class, as well. I decided to get on the field for some footwork and sprints. Between that and squats yesterday, legs are pretty gassed.

One question I meant to ask:
Is it ok on this cycle to only pin delts? I know it could cause scar tissue, but pinning prop in glutes and quads for me is painful enough to impact workouts. Does anyone have any suggestions how to proceed? 23g needle btw

By the way, I also smoke pot daily. Not really of significance as far as I'm concerned, except last night I did binge while stoned on 2 drumstick ice cream cones.
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day 4 of DNP
Weight: 233.2

Sweats are starting to get more frequent and intense. When I'm in my room, I'm always sitting next to an open window, which helps tremendously. I find that I'm still damp with sweat though. Today was the first day that I really noticed lethargy. A cup of coffee with my breakfast helped some. I've decided to try taking 5mg of IR methylphenidate before my workout today. That's a pretty low dose, so I shouldn't be too "wired." We'll see how it goes.

I thought on this cycle I'd be having trouble staying under my cals, but I've actually had trouble getting enough in at times. Strange.

I also noticed in the mirror today that I'm starting to look a little more lean and defined.

Pinned right delt today.
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Weight: 237.2

Not really putting much stock into what the scale says anymore. The fluctuations in weight are crazy. This weight was taken immediately after waking up. Even though this is heavier than I started, I've noticed without a doubt that I'm looking skinnier. Even though my muscles are entirely flat from glycogen depletion and I'm bloated it's still obvious. I can't wait to see what I look like 2 weeks from now... or 16 weeks from now :spin:
day 6 on DNP
Weight: 239.2

The weight fluctuations are getting a bit ridiculous. I'm feeling the sides, but I honestly can't tell if I've lost any fat yet. I'm thinking about calling it quits on the DNP. I'll think I'm going to finish the next 5 days, just so I can definitively say I finished the cycle and either it did or didn't work.

Pinned left delt today.

Sweats are now a constant thing. I work at a restaurant, so I'm always on my feet going somewhere. It was obvious for my coworkers and customers to see I was sweating. I only have 2 more shifts left for this DNP cycle, so I'm just going to tough it out.

Finishing these last 5 days will be a real test of self-discipline.
Day 7 of DNP
Weight: 235.4

I've decided this will be my last day on DNP. The side affects have become too intrusive in my life. The next DNP cycle I have scheduled is a designed 7 day cycle, and I'll be at home with no responsibilities to worry about for the duration of that cycle.

I'm interested to see what I look like when the water falls off. At the moment, I can tell I've lost some weight, but I wouldn't quite call it dramatic. I'll post up some legit after pics in 3 days.
On that first day when you said you noticed the hotness, it very well could have been the rice, too. Eating carbs makes me sweat significantly more on DNP than if I go with a low carb diet.
I think you're totally right, beast. I definitely underestimated the hot flashes after eating carbs. I'm scheduled for another DNP cycle in I think 6 weeks. I'm going to try carb depletion 3 days prior and follow a keto diet throughout.

Day 9 of cycle

This will be my first day off DNP. There will still be some in my system, but I'm not taking any caps today. I thought about completely depleting glycogen then carb loading to try to get the most out of the anabolic rebound, but decided not to go to the trouble this time (it is finals week, after all -- that's a big reason I stopped the DNP early.) In hindsight, I could've picked a better time to run the DNP altogether. Oh well. Next time I'll try carb cycling when I come off.

I'm shocked that I'm actually a pound heavier than when I began. I suppose I'm probably still holding water, plus the prop and epi probably contributed a bit of water retention. However, I still expected my weight to go down a bit, even with that. I certainly look a bit thinner. Maybe the pounds will shed in the next few days, or maybe I did the impossible and gained LBM on DNP. It should also be noted that my strength in major lifts did actually go up a bit:

Front squat: 275 x 5 (last few were grinders) --> 285 x 5 (went up pretty easily)
Bench: 225 x 8 (I'm recovering from shoulder reconstruction, I should mention) --> 245 x 8

Those are just the lifts I noticed increases in. Numbers should really shoot up over the next few weeks.

**Side note** I guess I should mention that I'm still recovering from a pretty big surgery. About 8 months ago I had arthroscopic reconstruction of my labrum (bankart tear, 8-12 I believe, could be wrong) as well as my rotator cuff. I was cleared to workout (no barbell, nothing heavy - light dumbell and bodyweight work) 1.5 months after surgery. 4 months after surgery I was cleared to play football. Fall camp started 4.5 months after surgery, which IMO was too soon. The first month of the season was particularly hard on my shoulder. ROM still is not 100% and there is still pain and stiffness occasionally. I've considered running GHRP-2 / GHRP-6 or another growth hormone secretagogue, but I'm yet to try it. Please share your experiences in this area, feedback is encouraged!

I was supposed to inject yesterday, but due to extenuating circumstances I was unable to. I pinned right delt ASAP this morning. So far, I've only pinned delts because in my last prop cycle pinning quads caused intense pip. I planned on pinning my left quad yesterday, but now I'd rather pin delts since I'm lifting legs today. Tomorrow I'll hit quads for sure. Hopefully I can find a way to minimize pip. Suggestions here are welcome.

Now it's time for the fun part of the cycle.:dance2:

The goal is to pack on as much LBM as possible before my next DNP run. Hopefully, I can get up to about 245-250 then cut back down to 235-240, and in the last couple of weeks add a bit more to get to a toned 245.

Has anyone run DNP during PCT before? I'm thinking this might be a good cycle to give it a go.
Day 11
Weight: 241.3

All I can say is: wow. 241.3. AND I'm leaner. AND this is after only 11 days. Granted, there must be some water there, but regardless I'm still amazed. Things are phenomenal so far. I've been killing it in the weight room, too; I'm pushing more weight every day.

Since I couldn't inject on day 9, I injected ASAP day 10 and will inject again today later in the day then proceed as normal. Obviously it's not ideal, but I don't think it should do too much damage, especially considering I'm also running orals. On the other hand, maybe my nuts will spontaneously combust and I'll die :dunno:

If progress keeps up at this rate, I might change a few things so I can still ultimately hit 245, but just be more shredded than I planned.

I will put up post-DNP pics tonight.
Day 18
Weight: 244.2

I think I'm going to start only taking weights from my weight room's scale. My two home scales seem to be very unreliable, as two days ago I was at 237.

Yesterday I killed the weights though - hit PRs of 425 x 5 for squat and 305 x 5 for bench. Strength gains have been phenomenal. I haven't noticed any negative sides, really. Once I get into a cycle, my semen usually gets clumpy and has less volume, but aside from that, no dryness of joins from epistane or anything like that.
Day 31
Weight: 252

I apologize for the short hiatus. Money was tight and I had to pick between the internet bill and food, which is a no brainer really.

The weight has been flying on and I've been crushing PRs. Nothing negative to note.
Day 37
Weight: 253

This week I added in a lot of sport-specific training and increased cardio. I seem to have lost some body fat in the past 7 days.

All of my lifts have been going up. I squatted 455 for 6 reps today, ATG. The other day, I benched 315 for 5, which was my 1rm at the beginning of the cycle. Strength gains have been amazing. I've gained nearly 20 lbs in a bit more than a month, so phenomenal results so far. I've decided I'll keep bulking up through at least the end of the month, if not a few weeks longer. Then, I'll hit the DNP again for 14 days this time, 400mg first 7, 600 mg for 4, then 800 for 3. I should really be carved out after that. Then, I'll ease back into a caloric surplus for 2 more weeks and then start PCT. I am considering using low dose DNP during PCT, but I need to do more research into it. I feel like I should just maintain a caloric surplus through all 4 weeks and accept whatever fat loss I achieved.