Reconstitute TB500


New member
I did some research on how to reconstitute TB500 and found:

1-0.9% Sodium chloride
2-BA water
3-0.1% AA

1 and 2 are by far the most common solvents advised. But I got 2 good papers that say AA is the way 2go. Both are big peptide producing companies.

What should I do; the advise on AAS boards is not the same as the factsheets?

Reconstitute in 0.1% acetic acid......Store lyophilized product at 2 to 8C. After reconstitution, store at -20C.

After reconstitution freezing @-20C :scratchhe never heard of freezing my peptides?

Store at 2 to -8°C lyophilised, resuspend in 0.1% acetic acid....Storage instructions Shipped at 4°C. Upon delivery aliquot and store at -20°C. Avoid freeze / thaw cycles.

So 0.1% AA is advised in both factsheets. But factsheet B says store @-20C but not after reconstitution (Am I right, English is not my first language)


So what kind of solvent do I use and at what temperature do I keep the powder and the reconstituted stuff?
I used BA water. and with TB500, there isn't really any storing once you mix. I get mine in 5mg vials and started dosing 5mg a week. All at once. Then will go to 5mg a month all at once, so once I mix, I use immediatly. But for the powder I beleive it can be stored at room temp, but I put mine in the fridge.
BW is perfectly fine. You don't store this, it's used all at one time typically.

I guess if you had a 5mg vial and were out of the loading phase, you would simply store it in the refrigerator. No need to freeze it, this was a similar thing people did with igf, they would load pins and freeze them, but no need for that.

Just buy it in the amount you will use at one time.
So when you say you dose 5mg/week do you do it all in one day and wait a week or should you do 1mg/day for 5 days on 2 off for 6 weeks?