recovery after 3 months?


New member
hey,i just found this forum trough google and i'm from turkey.
anyway,let me be honest,i'm new to steroids and at my very first cycle i fucked up very badly.
i had tendinitis at both of my shoulders and i had for 1 year without any success in recovery.
somebody from the gym suggested me to do several injections of deca nadrolone and he said this will speed up the recovery (i know i should have done search before doing it but i was n00b and stupid) so i did it and without any reason i continued to use it for like 3 months without even thinking about sides!and this isn't the end of the story here there's more.
as i have said i was a n00b and new to this things and of course didn't knew anything about pct so i didn't do any.
now my natural test levels has dropped down to a really low level and my testicles got smaller!i went to a doctor and he said my body will take up to 6 months to recover and no there's no need any drug or he right or i should visit another doctor?
i'm 22 yrs old btw.