Red Red Wine?


Informed Member
What is you guys take on having a glass of wine? A glass of red wine? I know that you should not use any alcholo but one glass is not that big of a deal is it? I thought that one glass was good for you in certain ways. Of course I know that a whole bottle is a bad thing.
It has positive effects on blood clotting and heart health. I have a glass now and then and on special occasions more than one. I believe this approach takes advantage of its positives while sufficiently minimizing its negatives.
Actually, drinking a cup of hot cocoa would be better. Red wine is filled with anti-oxidants however, cocoa has about 3 times the amount of the same anti-oxidants.
you can drink any type of liquor with positive health benefits as long as you limit your intake to one drink. it can be a beer, a shot of vodka, tequila, red wine, whatever. do it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. i once saw an interview where they were asking this lady who had turned 115 what her secret was. she looked much younger than that and was a very active person. she said that her secret was that she drank beer every morning, but just one. go figure.