Research, purchase, go hard, updates...everything in here!


I am banned!
Age: 23
Weight: 200
BF: 13
Lifting: 6 years total, 2.5 dedicated

Hey guys,

I am looking at running a first cycle in September. I have been reading a lot of posts on this site as well as a numerous amounts of other sites as well. When it comes to this type of thing, you can never read enough on them. What I am wanting to do is make a thread now for my cycle, get some opinions and options, purchase the items and post everything in a single thread. Will be posting before/during/after photos, log the workouts, and even log the blood work. So pretty much....everything in 1 thread to keep it nice and neat.

I had originally planned on 500 of Test E each week and the normal Clomid/Nolva post cycle therapy (pct) for after. However, after reading a lot of items on here and other sources, I have come to realize I will need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (A-Dex) to help with the sides and bloat. I can assure you now, I bloat like a mother f'er so this will be needed. Also looking to keep the bloat down due to some family issues. Along with the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), been reading a lot on the HCG. I understand it but the dosages are above me right now as I have seen so many different options... throughout the entire cycle, starting 2 weeks in, or a 10 day blast phase after last injection.

Here is what im thinking

500/Test E Weeks 1-12- (250 Tuesday, 250 Friday)
A-dex Weeks 2-17... should I start with .25 and adjust up? and ive seen Everyday or EOD...thoughts?
HCG Weeks 2-17.... not sure on dosage... thinking 500iu...but how often if i go with each week?

post cycle therapy (pct): Start 14 days after last injection
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Also... a plan on running this cycle with a friend so we will be buying the order together since a little bulk always helps in prices. I had talked with someone who used to run cycles and he recommended me to a site (not sure on the rules of posting someone else's site) but this was 1-2 years ago so not sure on how they are now. Does anyone have any recommendations on sites? I had looked at GreatWhite but cant really seem to find everything I need from above...not sure if it is because its not all on there or im just overlooking it. So if anyone could help with this issue of reliability and exact spots since I may be overlooking it (i tend to do that a lot) that would be great!

Yes, I know September is a ways away but wanting to get a good grasp on everything before we hit it hard!

Lets do this guys...going to be one hell of a winter. Thanks for any input and advice/thoughts/comments from you guys. Seen a lot of really respected people on here and with great appreciation I post.

Been looking into different online sources and there are so many mixed reviews. looking at Z and Naps. anyone recently had any order with them (good or bad)? Saw about 50/50 with Z and being good and half being scammed. Again...all info greatly appreciated.
anyone got any help or suggestions?

had a good buddy of mine that I was talking to about some of this because he has cycled recently and now he is looking for a legit to purchase from as well because the local guy he used to purchase from is going to be having a son here soon and does not want to continue with that and have it around the newborn...too much risk. So if anyone has any good sites Id appreciate it. I know some do not want to just put it out and open on the forum so if you want to PM me im up for that.
RUI-Products is where i go to get post cycle therapy (pct) and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) chems. But you won't find Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) there or any other research chem place.
thanks BigPapa. looking for an all-in-one site that I can do a mass order since it will be me and 2 other people. so hoping to find a legit site that i can get test, post cycle therapy (pct), and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from.

any thoughts on the cycle itself?
Cycle looks pretty good. .25 eod with the arimidex should be fine. I usually just run the nolva 40/40/20/20, no clomid, but someone else will have to chime in. 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is what I run. No one is going to just post up a source for you like that, man. You've asked so many times in so many threads, thats against the rules and doesn't fly here. Stick around and make some friends and you will find your source.
Cycle looks pretty good. .25 eod with the arimidex should be fine. I usually just run the nolva 40/40/20/20, no clomid, but someone else will have to chime in. 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is what I run. No one is going to just post up a source for you like that, man. You've asked so many times in so many threads, thats against the rules and doesn't fly here. Stick around and make some friends and you will find your source.

Thanks Juice. Appreciate the advice on the dosages. Is the 500iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x/week or what? Understandable about posting up a source, was hoping someone could help me out with it through a PM or something. Seeing some things about Naps...but wanting to find out if it is a legit site that actually sends their stuff. Cant find anyone around here willing to supply any test so trying to find something online. Ever used Naps?
and the reason I ask is because it will be me ordering the products for me and 2 other guys. would feel kinda responsible if the order did not come thru. so thats why I am really trying to find a legit spot to order from that has good grades. and mainly...anxious as hell to get it and September to get here
Hey bro,

For the HCG, if your going to run it on cycle 250iu 2 times a week is the protocol for a light cycle. So if your for sure going to run it, thats what you should rock. But I really dont feel Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is necessary for your first cycle, atleast not necessary to run it during...If you want, you could just rock a 10 day blast phase 14 days after your last PIN, and start CLOMID/NOLVA the first day after the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast phase.

I PM'ed you bud, just shoot me back on that email, I can help ya out with the HCG, Clomid, Nolva...etc ;)
Hey bro,

For the HCG, if your going to run it on cycle 250iu 2 times a week is the protocol for a light cycle. So if your for sure going to run it, thats what you should rock. But I really dont feel Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is necessary for your first cycle, atleast not necessary to run it during...If you want, you could just rock a 10 day blast phase 14 days after your last PIN, and start CLOMID/NOLVA the first day after the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast phase.

I PM'ed you bud, just shoot me back on that email, I can help ya out with the HCG, Clomid, Nolva...etc ;)

Thanks Hokey. Just read the PM and followed it to the T. Look forward to your help.
Hey that was my first cycle. I think everything looks good it is a mild cycle and i think you should Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) week 2-week10 at 500iu split in two shots a week. I am almost certain for a cycle like this you will not need a blast and your PCT looks very good. Adex on the other hand is a very strong drug which I know you already know if you have done reseach and i dont think it is required to be taken throught. I would suggest taking it as need apprears.

PM if you are looking for HCG... Good luck and Eat like you never did before :)
Hey that was my first cycle. I think everything looks good it is a mild cycle and i think you should Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) week 2-week10 at 500iu split in two shots a week. I am almost certain for a cycle like this you will not need a blast and your PCT looks very good. Adex on the other hand is a very strong drug which I know you already know if you have done reseach and i dont think it is required to be taken throught. I would suggest taking it as need apprears.

PM if you are looking for HCG... Good luck and Eat like you never did before :)

Thanks Curtis for the thoughts. Been told to run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 250 2x/week. I like that idea rather than a lot of dosing all in short period of time (blast phase). And yes, I know ADex is a strong drug but feel an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would be a good idea to take. Reading my body over the years, I can assure some major bloat will be going on and this will help cut down on this a little. Probably running .25 EOD. As far as PMing you... I cant. I dont have enough posts yet but if you want to PM me Im more than happy to get in touch with you. Again, thanks
Hockeyplaya18 and curtis123, I'm in the same boat. I can't PM because not enough posts. Can you guys PM me please? Trying to find some HCG as well as other post cycle therapy (pct). RUI seems to have everything but HCG. Thanks a ton!
and the reason I ask is because it will be me ordering the products for me and 2 other guys. would feel kinda responsible if the order did not come thru. so thats why I am really trying to find a legit spot to order from that has good grades. and mainly...anxious as hell to get it and September to get here

If you can't afford to lose it order it online, customs may get it regardless if its a good place or not.
Just how this game is, unless you know someone domesticly.
Hockeyplaya18 and curtis123, I'm in the same boat. I can't PM because not enough posts. Can you guys PM me please? Trying to find some HCG as well as other post cycle therapy (pct). RUI seems to have everything but HCG. Thanks a ton!

HCG is not NEEDED, but would help using it during or near end of cycle leading upto post cycle therapy (pct).
RUI has top quality products, but they don't handle HCG.

You would still have a good post cycle therapy (pct) with 30-70mg Clomi ed for 4 weeks or you could even ass in Tamox or torem with the clomi.
Just a thought/
If you can't afford to lose it order it online, customs may get it regardless if its a good place or not.
Just how this game is, unless you know someone domesticly.

its not that i cant afford that loss, its that id feel responsible for losing their money. and i just hate bad business regardless of what it is. ive got someone that can help get it for me. see how that works out and the quality gains with it and see how that turns out or try out the pinnacle site