Right kind?


New member
I was gonna buy some muscle milk to have before I go to bed. I am trying to lose some b/f. Wondering if this is the right choice due to cal/fat intake?
I would go with a low carb low fat cassein protein before bed. You could also just have a meal and leave out the carbs. Eat a lean steak or eat whites before bed.
I would go with a low carb low fat cassein protein before bed. You could also just have a meal and leave out the carbs. Eat a lean steak or eat whites before bed.

Not going to lie, sometimes I am to tired or to lazy to make something so for those times I would like a back up. I was thinking muscle milk because of the taste, have had some cassein protein and it was pretty bad.

if you wanna loose Bodyfat you need to eat healthy. Don't take muscle milk, drink protein instead...

Cheaper! and just as filling.

Jump on some serious Fat burners Morning lunch and supper and eat really small portions of food staying away from Fatty fried / bread stuff like that.. And do lots of sweating.. you will see your fat index get down loooowww! FAST!
if you wanna loose Bodyfat you need to eat healthy. Don't take muscle milk, drink protein instead...

Cheaper! and just as filling.

Jump on some serious Fat burners Morning lunch and supper and eat really small portions of food staying away from Fatty fried / bread stuff like that.. And do lots of sweating.. you will see your fat index get down loooowww! FAST!

Yeah I play alot of full court basketball thats what i do for my cardio, and I sweat like a pig when I am done. What fat burner you recommond?
Depends if you ever took them or not... If you want to go not expensive and get the extra edge on energy you can go natural! The only problem with natural fat burners are they are filled with roots and trees so you will end up burping and it will taste like oregano! LOL

There are some really inexpensive Fat natural fat burners like ripped FX i think its like a black bottle with flames on it. I started on that and lost a bunch of fat! The i progressed to ECA and that really got me good!

Ideally is not to abuse the fat burner! You take it for 2 or 3 weeks then 1 or 2 off then 1 or 2 on!

If your playing sports i think ECA will be a little much as you are already putting alot of stress on your heart... dont need the extra pressure!

If your NOT fat and you dont need to shred extra pounds i would recomend you get some SuperPump250. a Good energizer shake you drink 25 min before your game... or your physical activity and thats gonna give you a bunch of energy!!! you gonna think your Michael jordan ;)

But if you really wanna get ripped.. You spend alot of time in the gym.. ECA... Tight Hardcore is nice! i used TIGHT one time.. Strong shit for burning fat!!!

But i would much rather recommend a nice energy drink like superpump250 with Vitamins!! Really important for sports and mix some glutanime with your shakes or drinks ... can be very very good for your joints from wear and tear on the court ;) Glutamin is cheap also hidden secret! :)
Oh and don't forget to eat well! 3 - 4 good portions of food per day to fuel the fire!! Fruits and nuts!! Vegetables! stay away from heavy pasta and alot of bread!!! stay away from egg yellows and fried stuff! :)

Drink alot of water or Gatorade!!