Role playing

Friend of mine who used to work as a clerk at the Rose Law Firm (of Hillary Clinton fame...), had a co-worker there named Tommy. Tommy was a big black dude, competitive bodybuilder, always running his mouth. Definitely a character. He used to tape record sex sessions with his wife, on a portable boom box, then play the tapes the next day at work. One of the best ones involved some role playing between Tommy and his wife. It went something like this:

Gracie: "Tommy, tonight I'll be anybody you want me to be."

Tommy: "Aw, honey, don't do that, I love YOU."

Gracie: "C'mon, Tommy, there must be someone you want. Who do you wanna fuck? I'll be her."

Tommy: "Okay, your sister Earl. I wanna fuck your sister Earl."

Gracie: "WHAT!!!!!!!!" followed by the sounds of screaming and things being thrown and broken...