Routine during pct


New member
I start my Pct off hella on Tuesday n wondering about my workout routine. Should I do the same amount of sets but lower the reps n just hit heavy for the first 2 weeks then the next 2 go back to the same intensity i had on the cycle??? First 2 weeks 3-5 heavy, next 2 weeks 6-8 little less heavy but still a great amount. Is there a trick to this ?

I'll be taking Clomid 70/70/35/35
Unleashed/post cycle
Daa power chews
Also c4 as prewrk

I do have 2 weeks left of Hcgenerate, should I save it or throw it in the post cycle therapy (pct) too? Also ill be eatting 3500 cals daily.
+1....Keep up the same routine with little change........Just don't get lazy and start skipping the gym. Also cut back a tad on your diet......
Id try to eat the same bro if possible, calories are going to support your mass so id aim to workout and eat as you did before
(if you get fat etc then change it).
Throw in your hcgenerate it will help your pct. Like gym rat said a few small alterations may help but don't go mad just try to focused and disciplined..
If u drop cals ur for sure going to lose more weight than if u didn't. I'd actually add more cals, protein specifically.

I'd also consider less reps and more weight to keep ur strength up as well as u can.
Add liquid egg whites and a tad of olive oil and peanut butter to your shakes. Load up on the creatine too. I'd also consider keeping the clomid at 70mg the 3rd wk of post cycle therapy (pct) too
Add liquid egg whites and a tad of olive oil and peanut butter to your shakes. Load up on the creatine too. I'd also consider keeping the clomid at 70mg the 3rd wk of post cycle therapy (pct) too

Ewww at the egg whites haha but if it helps I'm for it! I thought tapering off Clomid was the way to go?