rubber stopper


New member
I have seen numerouse descriptions about putting the finished sterile product in the sealed vial into the oven at about 250 degrees. Wont this melt the rubber stopper with such heat?
those stoppers are good to over 300f. 250-275f will not hurt them. make sure to asperate as deadlift mentioned.
i use an aluminum hub so the poly plastic hub on the pin wont melt and stick to my vial ther only bout 0.15 cent each
they are good to over 300f. 250-275f kills bacteria. the platic pins are good to well over 275f. you guys need to calibrate you ovens. almost always they are substantially off. dont trust kenmore woth you experiments. lolololol
pullinbig said:
the platic pins are good to well over 275f.

I have to disagree. Today I melted the venting pin when I cooked at 250-260 for 45 minutes. And, yes, I did calibrate the oven.
i have never melted one. you sure you baked and not broiled? or if you had the pin to close to the top of the oven. or you may have a bad pin. lolololol who knows but you the first one i here say this if the oven is correct. so if you disagree what does that do to the other thousands that are home brewing using this method? did the stopper melt?
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pullinbig said:
so if you disagree what does that do to the other thousands that are home brewing using this method?
Nothing. I was just stating a personal observation. If if works for you, then obviously don't change it.

did the stopper melt?
No. The stopper was fine. Before I had a problem with the pin leaving a big hole in the stopper, but this time I put the pin to the side instead of the middle of the stopper. I also think it helped that I pulled the pin out when everything was still hot.