Running HGH Length? 2iu eod for 3 months?


New member
I hope this is the place to post this, i’m new to the community on this site. I need some info on the best way to run jintropin for myself. I recently got a 100iu kit from my brother. i know to make great gains i would need much more, though i will not be buying any more because of the expense. I just need the best advice anyone could give me. I am 22. My main goal is to gain weight really, put on some mass. The plan i had set was to run 2iu eod for 3 months, but searching on forums it seems a lot of people are doing a lot more than just 2. My question is how would i make the best overall gains and put some weight on. should i bump it up and run 4 iu eod for a month? 2iu ed for about a month and a few weeks? or just stick to what i had planned? i understand that this is probably not enough for absolutely incredible gains. but i got it for free so fuck it. any help would be much appreciated.
Never heard anyone running hgh eod.
Depending on natural production i think theres even a possibility you might even lower yourself with 2iu eod.
Running 2iu ed for a month and you've could pretty much have thrown it in the bin instead. Won't see any gains, maybe some sleep benefits.

I'd say buy more and run 3iu ed for 6 months. Just because thats what I'm looking to run myself lol :P
On a very serious note if you're not going to be competing professionally I would hold off on the GH for a while. Your system is running optimal right now naturally. What's your cycle history anyways?
To OP:
You seem to be Confusing HGH with AAS.

You are looking to Gain Weight and put on Mass in a Couple Months.
HGH doesn't work like that.
You need to run it Every Day, Not Every Other Day.
And usually for 6 Months at a Minimum as a Standalone @ 10 IU's a day for Muscle Growth.

You can get better results when you start your HGH for a couple of Months.
Then after around 2 Months, add in an AAS Cycle.
They have a Synergistic Effect when you run them together.

One Final Problem that you face is your Age.
Your Natural HGH Production is at it's Highest at 22.
So that 1 Kit of HGH, even if you did 2 IU's or 3 IU's every day.
Wouldn't give the results that you are Seeking.
So it's either get more, or Sell what you have............................................ JP
Sorry, I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it's the Truth of the Matter.
Yeah it seems you may be confused. Are you running test with It? Any over compounds with the test? What does the cycle look like?
If you are really talking about running hgh solo and can't get your hands on more then sell it or save it for later. Best to just sell it. Personally never know anyone to run less than 4iu and not for less than 6 months. You have nowhere near enough to accomplish that. What is your cycle history?

I think you've gotten the answer you came here for. Read what the bros above said. You don't have enough to run high enough dose for long enough to make a difference. You're young with high gh levels as is.
I've run it at 3IU for over six months, couldn't run it at 4 because it made my hands swell up, a couple fingers go numb, and the carpal tunnel effect was annoying.

I think 3 is really a minimum to see anything beyond anti-aging. I'm no expert, but I've heard if you go over about 5-ish that you start to risk enlarging everything. A body building sweet spot is probably in the 4 to 5 range.

You have to do it every day because like AAS it will shut down your natural production. If you tried to take 3 EOD you would end up with net less HGH at your age level, so you'd be going backward.

So, like the other guys said you should sell what you have unless you want to buy a whole lot more.