Running out of time - Test E and EQ cycle ending - No PCT


Gettin' Huge
This is my 1st cycle - I picked up all the gear I needed for a 14 week eq/test cycle, it has worked great, my connect was supposed to get me my post cycle therapy (pct) "In a few weeks" said I had plenty of time to get it. I can't get in touch with my connect, he seems to be avoiding me for some reason. I'm not sure where he gets his stuff from but I'm pretty new to this and have no post cycle therapy (pct). I've been running eq every 5 days 1st few weeks 300mg every 5 days then upped my dose to 600mg every 5d back to 300 every5d for the last 4 weeks along with TestE 250mg every 5days. Is there anything over the counter, easy to get that will work if I have no connect for Clomid or Novla? Can I really trust some of the big name sites I keep seeing in the banners on all these forum sites?

another example for all the noobs on this site! Never start a cycle unless you have everything on hand. trust no1.
That's the reason I'm not starting mine yet. I still need the HCG and while I could start without it I want to make sure I have everything on hand just in case bad thing happen.
This is my 1st cycle - I picked up all the gear I needed for a 14 week eq/test cycle, it has worked great, my connect was supposed to get me my post cycle therapy (pct) "In a few weeks" said I had plenty of time to get it. I can't get in touch with my connect, he seems to be avoiding me for some reason. I'm not sure where he gets his stuff from but I'm pretty new to this and have no post cycle therapy (pct). I've been running eq every 5 days 1st few weeks 300mg every 5 days then upped my dose to 600mg every 5d back to 300 every5d for the last 4 weeks along with TestE 250mg every 5days. Is there anything over the counter, easy to get that will work if I have no connect for Clomid or Novla? Can I really trust some of the big name sites I keep seeing in the banners on all these forum sites?

hes avoiding u cause all he wanted to do was sell u the gear he dont give a fuck about u or your post cycle therapy (pct).
"Holy sheep sh*t Batman!" Not another post cycle therapy (pct)less coming off a 14 week cycle of AAS, I don't even want to respond, do some research on post cycle therapy (pct) um like NOW and figure out what you think you need, dosages, and length...typically 4 weeks, post it up and we will help you put it together, just don't come onto the forum without doing your homework and expect us all to jump and post links to what you need, dosages ED, and do all the work for time have a f*cking Plan B set should have had this done prior to first pin...geez!!!!