S4 and Osta cycle questions


New member
Hey guys,

Not a first time user of Sarms....used Osta last summer with great results however it shut me down bad. I ran it 12.5 up to 25 for 8 weeks with great results but my research showed I didn't need a pct so I don't know if I ran it too long or too high. So, this time around I want to get it right I'm not a young buck at 42 so I don't want to make the same chances. I've got the s4 and osta...I have Cycle Assist which I've read is a good on cycle therapy (let me know if I'm wrong) what I'm not sure is how long I should run this cycle at what dose and what pct should I use that's not as strong as clomid as I don't need that much. Any help would be appreciated!s
Hey guys,

Not a first time user of Sarms....used Osta last summer with great results however it shut me down bad. I ran it 12.5 up to 25 for 8 weeks with great results but my research showed I didn't need a pct so I don't know if I ran it too long or too high. So, this time around I want to get it right I'm not a young buck at 42 so I don't want to make the same chances. I've got the s4 and osta...I have Cycle Assist which I've read is a good on cycle therapy (let me know if I'm wrong) what I'm not sure is how long I should run this cycle at what dose and what pct should I use that's not as strong as clomid as I don't need that much. Any help would be appreciated!s

Well I ran osta at 25mg for 8weeks with great results.
It kept me shut down as I kinda had expected anyways.

I'd say run it 25mg and try to get a real pct like clomid,nolva,torem on hand before you start.

Can't speak for the s4 but there are quite a few logs of people running it you should check out.
Like this one
"Here's my protocol and dosage:
Wks 1-8 GW50156: 20 mg/ED
Wks 1-8 Osta: 25 mg/ED
Wks 1-6 S4: 50 mg/2xED [That's right, I'm running 100 mgs of S4 per day. I've built up a lot of tolerance to this compound and vision issues (thanks to good genetics) are non-issue
Wks 1-12 Unleashed
Wks 1-12 Test Stack No. 17
Wks 6-12 HcGenerate
Wks 6-12 Forma Stanzol Wks 6-12
Wks 9-12 Forged PCT"
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I'd recommend toremifene for 4 weeks at 120/120/60/60, or roughly those doses. You could throw in low dose exemestane if your bloods (if you get any) show elevated estrogen levels.
S4+Osta is a terrific stack. I'd definitely recommend sarmssearch; they're the best sarms distributors.
W/r/t PCT, I'd take HcGenerate (through cycle and post), Forma (post), and nolva + aromasin (just in case for PCT).
@CageBreed....I used Uniquemicals and had it was great stuff lost 17 lbs and totally recomped. Everyone thought that I had gotten bigger which I really hadn't just added more lean muscle and shaped up nicely.
Ideally,you want to *prevent* rather than *treat* shutdown or suppression. Eg, try HcGenerate ON cycle so you're not behind the eight ball when it comes time for you PCT. That way you'll have lighter sides and an easier go of it afterwards.

BTW, I noticed nothing (zero) with Unique's SARMS. SarmsSearch is the only brand I'd trust; they're totally legit and worth paying for.
Do I really need an on cycle support like HCG? Can't I just go with clomid at the end of the cycle? When I was shut down last time they wanted to give test shots but I wasn't to keen with that so I went with a natural test booster still not sure if it worked. I've looked at a lot of clomid liquids online and not too sure they're legit I'm wondering where I can get the real thing.
Do I really need an on cycle support like HCG? Can't I just go with clomid at the end of the cycle? When I was shut down last time they wanted to give test shots but I wasn't to keen with that so I went with a natural test booster still not sure if it worked. I've looked at a lot of clomid liquids online and not too sure they're legit I'm wondering where I can get the real thing.

I don't know anyone who's run HCG with SARMs. I've heard of people using HCGenerate and other "natural" test boosters. I've a bottle of HCGen but I'm saving it for PCT. Doesn't really make a difference to me when people I use, I might even switch it over to the last 4 weeks of my cycle. You can buy clomid from RUIproducts and ResearchLiquids. The latter is much cheaper so take that as you will.
just ordered the HcGenerate....I appreciate the info. Now this wont bump my test to high because I'm taking during cycle will it?
just ordered the HcGenerate....I appreciate the info. Now this wont bump my test to high because I'm taking during cycle will it?

It doesn't have to be HCGen. I wish you didn't order because N2Build is a shit site that overcharges. I'm sure you could find other test boosters for way cheaper like DAA, stano, trestobol. I don't think it will boost your test too high.