same syringes and needles for different injections?

Where abouts on the thigh? Outter yes, inner, no. Too many veins located in your inner thighs and you don't want to accidentally pin into an artery. Don't you aspirate? I always do ever since I believe I nicked a vein 10 years ago. It wasn't fun.
I mean outter thigh.. is it safe? how safe is it? and if its a totally safe area.. then why aspiration is always recommended?
Aspiration is no longer a required practice of medical professionals. I never have, nicked veins before. Not the end of the world. You would know if you are in an artery. What do you mean by safe? No matter where you pin you run the risk of nicking a vein, or something else.
I mean outter thigh.. is it safe? how safe is it? and if its a totally safe area.. then why aspiration is always recommended?

ADenver covered the fact that aspirations are no longer practiced, so I'll simply state that the vastus lateralis is the optimal location to inject in the leg.

One hand-width down from the hip, one up from the knee. The outside edge (think like the shoulder of a tire), without going too far to the side and not on the top.