SARMS&Peptides vs DHEA&ProHormones vs Steroids (which is safest)


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Between SARMS&Peptides vs DHEA&ProHormones vs Steroids (lets say starter low dose dbol+test e cycle) how would the gains compare and what would the risks be in comparison?

Also how would you test the quality to see if they're real?
Cycle goal would be primarily for lean mass, but strength and endurance as well. Training 6 days a week one rest day, each body part twice per week, diet high protein&fat, moderate carbs some greens, fish oil and multi. 5 ft 9, 28, 170lb 6% bf, main concern long term side effects.
SARMs and peptides biggest risk seems to be them being fake and I have no idea how to test them except sending a sample into a lab. Some are mildly suppressive to our natty production but not on par with roids. If they are I havent seen a thread/log/photos to show it.

Prohormones were made obsolete with their ban (USA) in my opinion. They are/were basically legal steroids due to their molecular structure. It's still hormones and will effect our production. If I'm going to use hormones I'll just go with steroids and get er done. Steroids suppress our natty system with the risk of permanent "damage" but have the bigger benefit. Estrogen control, HCG amd proper PCT lower those risks.

I'm 5' 10" and about 174-177lbs. I do no lifting or even hard labor due to epilepsy and my avi is current.

If you're really 6% bf eat more. If you cant gain weight/even fat, you're not eating enough. To gain muscle our bodies need a calorie surplus. To bulk we will gain fat. Adjusting calories to keep it to a minimum helps.

"Cutting cycles" are basically using steroids to force our bodies to hold muscle while not eating enough and choosing steroids that dont have side effects like water retention and lots of times dont convert to estrogen it seems.
There is a limit on the bodies ability to do anything. 20 lbs in a year maybe. Actually muscle gains. It will take some amount of fat gain.

Adding 20lbs on a cycle with certain steroids is completely possibly but its not real gains.

I went onto TRT and started to lift seriously. Fitness pal said for my height amd weight to eat like 2600 calories per day. I just kept eating more and more. Once I started to see a loss in definition the scale went up. When it quit going up 2 weeks in a row I ate more.

I started about 135lbs, single digit fat, low test, elevated estrogen and not eating. My actual weight was the mid to high 150s. Possibly 160s sometimes.

I went on 200mg wk test cyp, trained hard and was eating about 3500 calories per day. 20 wks with a gain of almost 30lbs.

I'm epileptic and have issues related medications is why I was so skinny amd had low T.

Now about a year later I'm on 120mg wk, no lifting and sitting at about the same weight with less definition but no working out due to epilepsy.

Maybe the sudden shock of eating, liftong and higher test let me gain about 15lbs. But it's certainly not normal. I've kept the weight.

If you can see your abs you're probably not eating enough. Steroids increase muscle making potential. Like hiring extra workers. If you dont provide more supplies (food) nothing is getting built.

I didnt even eat "good". Lunch meat sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches with like 6 tablespoons of peanutbutter, dinner left overs and huge dinners. All I cared about was making calories and everything I ate had protien.
considering a low dose DHEA supplement with my diet/training, doing 6 days a week. chest/arms; legs; back/shoulders; - repeat and sunday rest.
Sarms are the safest by far they don't shut you down totally if you run then properly. A mini pct of 50/25/25/25 clomid and 40/20/20/20 nolvadex would be suggested after a sarms cycle because it does suppress you. But you recover in no time. (Its also a good option to run sarms cycles to learn how to cycle drugs and have the time to decide if its really worth it taking steroids).

You have to up your meals eat at least a minimum of 5 meals per day.
Train 4-5 times max if your not on gear.
Your muscles build when you are resting that why your protein intake also should be more on rest days.
As i understand you don't even count calories or eat properly maybe you should try to fix a good routine with meals and then when you feel that you can eat properly start thinking about peptides, sarms and steroids. Otherwise even if you gain on cycle you will lose it all off cycle and that will also fuck with your mental health.
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