Sarms trio stack after cycle


Lifter of weights
I finished up my pct for a 8 week test prop cycle last week and feel that i am recovered well (nuts full, morning wood, strong as a bull) i gained about 6 lbs of unwanted fat during my cycle and now would like to get rid of it since summer is here. Ive read that cutting after pct is a bad idea due to your body trying to adjust to keep those gains but if i were to start a sarms stack of osta, s4 and gw and run a cut starting 3 weeks from the day of pct completion would it give enough time for recovery without any major shutdown issues from the sarms? I would be using them for a total of 6 weeks only to keep muscle mass while cutting and hardening up.
You are correct in that the SARMS won't shut you down, but they are still somewhat suppressive. I'd give it some time after pct before running a suppressive compound. Maybe a mid summer run once you've taken some time off.
You are correct in that the SARMS won't shut you down, but they are still somewhat suppressive. I'd give it some time after pct before running a suppressive compound. Maybe a mid summer run once you've taken some time off.

Thanks for the advice, in your opinion is 6 weeks enough time?
Thanks for the advice, in your opinion is 6 weeks enough time?

Time on = time off is always the advice I give for Sarms...they're not full blown AAS but yes as previously stated they do have the power to shut you down.

Doing Sarms immediately following a cycle of any kind is NOT advisable in any're going into the Sarms cycle shut down from your previous cycle, so you won't enjoy the benefits of the Sarms, they'll just continue to suppress...give your body time to bounce back so you can really enjoy the beauty and power of a bad ass Sarms cycle. :-)
Thanks for the advice, in your opinion is 6 weeks enough time?

Only blood work will tell. But remember, your TT will be elevated immediately following PCT because the nolva/clomid will cause it to spike. It takes a few weeks after PCT to drop down to baseline. Make sure your baseline number is good before you decide to jump on sarms.
Time on = time off is always the advice I give for Sarms...they're not full blown AAS but yes as previously stated they do have the power to shut you down.

Doing Sarms immediately following a cycle of any kind is NOT advisable in any're going into the Sarms cycle shut down from your previous cycle, so you won't enjoy the benefits of the Sarms, they'll just continue to suppress...give your body time to bounce back so you can really enjoy the beauty and power of a bad ass Sarms cycle. :-)

Ive heard of other members here using 12.5mg ostarine daily after they are finished pct to keep everything firmed up as osta is not all that supressive at that dose. Is this advised against as well? I will be going for a post cycle blood test in a week or 2 and if everything looks good would that be acceptable?
Ive heard of other members here using 12.5mg ostarine daily after they are finished pct to keep everything firmed up as osta is not all that supressive at that dose. Is this advised against as well? I will be going for a post cycle blood test in a week or 2 and if everything looks good would that be acceptable?

I can't really answer that for you. I know some guys who claim they have zero shutdown while others are sensitive and get shutdown from the smallest doses. Only way to know is getting blood work done.
I can't really answer that for you. I know some guys who claim they have zero shutdown while others are sensitive and get shutdown from the smallest doses. Only way to know is getting blood work done.

I apprecite the help. I think ill go natty for 8 weeks then get my blood work done and then jump on the sarms for an ultimate shred. Ive been worried about losing gains but i finished pct a week ago and am still at my peak weight so its lookin ok so far
I apprecite the help. I think ill go natty for 8 weeks then get my blood work done and then jump on the sarms for an ultimate shred. Ive been worried about losing gains but i finished pct a week ago and am still at my peak weight so its lookin ok so far

Use osta at 12.5 mgs a day to hold those gains