Scales: When and where do you weigh yourself?

Scale obsessions

  • I weigh myself before I piss and then after, can't be too accurate!

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Weight is relative, all I need is my mirror!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I weigh myself a few times a week.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • I weigh myself once a week, but prefer not to focus on it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


el diablo blanco
Aside from the obvious, (I realize most scale aren't going to be perfectly calibrated and accurate, and the best time to get your true weight is first thing in the morning before consuming anything), how do you know which scale to trust?

I have a metric scale at home that reads 100g differences. I've been using it to measure every morning and every night as an experiment to track how much I'm losing overnight... Generally between 2-3 pounds. Weight this morning was 89.5kg/194.5lb
I hopped on the scale at the gym the other day and it teetered right on the edge of 200... Which seemed high, and the number I'm so diligently trying to break through in the next couple weeks.

So then which do you go by? Or is it just a matter of pick one scale and stick to it religiously?
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I know the scale at my job reads 1-2lbs higher than the one at home but I would just stick to the same scale and take a weighted average if you really want to get down lol
My scale at the gym is out by 0-20lbs variously, I get on and off three times and then go by the average!!! Suffice to say when i weigh is pretty irrelevant!

Happily they have installed a body fat measuring, digital one now....only 2 bucks a go, ffs!
once a week.. fasted in the morning, after bathroom, before you eat or drink anything..

if your carb cycling the morning after your lowest carb day of the week (same thing every week, same day)

if not carb cycling pick a morning of the week and weigh yourself.. same morning every week..

we are trying to remove as many biases as possible.. this only works with a static diet.. if you usually eat 2000 calories and then decide to eat 4000 calories the day before you weigh yourself that is a bias..its water weight..
Only when bulking. Never when cutting, surprisingly.

On a cut I just use the mirror and eye up when I feel pretty damn lean.

I do it when bulking, every couple of days (I know if can fluctuate easy for that not to be the best indication -- but I generally watch the overall trend, not a particular day results). I do it when bulking because I'm prone to overeat and blow up fast. I like to watch slow, consistent gains. The scale helps me see how honest my kitchen work has been.