Sd-10 What can I expect from it.


New member
Just how rough is this compound? I have two bottles sitting in my freezer that i'm tempted to use. I've run two ph cycles in the past (solo Helladrol and Helladrol/6-Mdrol) with zero sides other then terrible back pumps. I've read it's a little harsh but are the gains worth it?

Stats: currently cutting
175lbs 12%ish bf
Bench: 275lb
Squat: 365lb
Dead: 425lb

Just looking to put on some quick size and then cruise natty.
Well superdrol is actually a designer steroid and not a prohormone. You can expect to put on good size with a good diet, but you can also expect to have your natural test production shut down and probably feel pretty crappy while on cycle. Unless you add test of course. Sdrol is known for a whole slew of side effects like high bp, headaches, nausea, lethargy etc..

If you want to just run an oral anabolic that won't shut you down of give you nasty you should look into SARMS (selective androgen receptor modulators). They are great because they offer the benefits of traditional steroids without the negative side effects and heavy hormone suppression.

Read up on them here SARMS Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators | Sport Bodybuilding And Steroid Use

If and when you're ready to order, hit up and use the discount coed SIZZLE30 for 30% off your order. I'm running sarms right now and getting great results.
Well superdrol is actually a designer steroid and not a prohormone. You can expect to put on good size with a good diet, but you can also expect to have your natural test production shut down and probably feel pretty crappy while on cycle. Unless you add test of course. Sdrol is known for a whole slew of side effects like high bp, headaches, nausea, lethargy etc..

If you want to just run an oral anabolic that won't shut you down of give you nasty you should look into SARMS (selective androgen receptor modulators). They are great because they offer the benefits of traditional steroids without the negative side effects and heavy hormone suppression.

Read up on them here SARMS Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators | Sport Bodybuilding And Steroid Use

If and when you're ready to order, hit up and use the discount coed SIZZLE30 for 30% off your order. I'm running sarms right now and getting great results.

Thanks for the info, and on the sarms I haver actually run both Osta and LGD-4033 before.
How did you like them? Did you get them from SS?

I did not, got them elsewhere. They weren't bad put on a few pounds and leaned out a tad. But didn't expect much from something that you can take without having to worry about any real sides or having to take support drugs or pct's or anything.
I did not, got them elsewhere. They weren't bad put on a few pounds and leaned out a tad. But didn't expect much from something that you can take without having to worry about any real sides or having to take support drugs or pct's or anything.

Fair point. In order to really get the anabolic benefits from sarms you need to run it at a suppressive dose. 25mg/day is a suppressive dose and yields great results. Although that dose is suppressive, it won't shut you down as long as you cycle no longer than the recommended length (6-8 weeks). At that dose for 8 weeks my test levels dropped by about 250 points which was about 1/3 of my total. So i maintained 2/3 of my hpta function while adding about 8 lbs to my frame and kepts about 6. A 3 week pct with serms was all I needed to bounce back.

Having said all that, make sure you use a reputable source if you decide to try sarms again. In my experience, going the cheap route only leads to disappointment. Give it another try with sarmssearch my friend. There are many members who can attest to their quality. Don't pass judgement on sarms until you use the best bro. It will make all the difference in the world.

They're actually having a 30% off sale on all orders right now. Use the code SIZZLE30 at checkout.
SD ia 10X as effective as any SARM. Many guys have run it an feel fine. I have never heard of "nausea" as a potential side effect. If you want to gte big, you need to use steroids...and SD will certainly get the job done. Of course, you don't want to abuse the drug, but used responsibly it can add a ton of mass & strength without any more health risk than traditional orals like Anadrol.
SD ia 10X as effective as any SARM. Many guys have run it an feel fine. I have never heard of "nausea" as a potential side effect. If you want to gte big, you need to use steroids...and SD will certainly get the job done. Of course, you don't want to abuse the drug, but used responsibly it can add a ton of mass & strength without any more health risk than traditional orals like Anadrol.

right but using SD with no test base is not the best idea. He also seemed to be concerned with side effects. I recommended him an oral that you can run without test, that also has little to no side effects. It will not blow you up like SD, but it will give you quality keepable gains. With superdrol, you gain quick, but you also lose quick once you stop. The gains that are easiest to maintain are the slow steady gains.