Second cycle advice


New member
Hi all,

I'm researching into my second cycle. Appreciate your input/advice/recommendations.

Test e 1g/week x 10 weeks (2ml twice a week)
Ai few days prior to first injection and continuing throughout cycle (10 weeks - liquidex 30ml - 1mg/ml taking 1ml daily)
PCT as follows:
Nova 40/40/20/20 and clomid 50/50/25/25

I finished my first cycle early January 2013. My PCT was running tamox/nova 40/40/20/20 14 days after last injection.

Given my second cycle will only be test e (due to prior results) is it safe to start in start of May 2013?

I'm 27, 170lb, 175cm with approx 20% BF. been lifting on and off for 5years.

My prior gains were 20lb after post cycle therapy (pct).

Appreciate your input.
You started using at 150 lbs is that right? If so damn brother I'm sure you could have really adjusted diet and training and gained that 20 lbs, as far as 2nd cycle Test E I mean there is no problem running another test only cycle in my opinion I would stay off for a while and build natty see where you get cutting some body fat 20's a bit high
Thanks man, I found it hard to gain in earlier years. The gains I got from test was awesome hence why I wanna do second cycle.
you dont need a gram of test. id do 600 test 400 deca

Thanks for the reply. Can I ask why? I prefer test as I already know how my body responds to it. I'm unsure of deca and was thinking of reserving that for cycle 3 if I choose to go down that path.
Thanks for the reply. Can I ask why? I prefer test as I already know how my body responds to it. I'm unsure of deca and was thinking of reserving that for cycle 3 if I choose to go down that path.

i imagine you would respond well to 500 mg a week of test, no need to go to a gram, few people need that, all you risk is large estrogen conversion issues, it wont be any different than 500 , if you want now that you've done a cycle with just test you can add something else to enhance it, eq or Deca is a good addition, since you want some Mass i suggest Deca for 12 or 14 weeks
i imagine you would respond well to 500 mg a week of test, no need to go to a gram, few people need that, all you risk is large estrogen conversion issues, it wont be any different than 500 , if you want now that you've done a cycle with just test you can add something else to enhance it, eq or Deca is a good addition, since you want some Mass i suggest Deca for 12 or 14 weeks

Ok great thanks for the tip. My first cycle was 500mg for 12 weeks. If I just do another 500 cycle, do u think ill benefit in any way? I was hoping not to stack with deca. And time frames? Should I wait longer?
Ok great thanks for the tip. My first cycle was 500mg for 12 weeks. If I just do another 500 cycle, do u think ill benefit in any way? I was hoping not to stack with deca. And time frames? Should I wait longer?

if you had good gains with 500 last time it will still be effective this time. you dont need to stack