Second cycle help/ suggestions


New member
Ok so finished first cycle a few months ago, planning and taking suggestions for the next one...

Im 181cm tall weight about 90kgs with a fairly hight body fat %. Id say between 20 and 25%. Working on dropping that before my next cycle.

First cycle was straight test e 250mg twice weekly for 7weeks(500mg a week). Cut a 10week cycle short due to bloating and nut shrinkage. Had nolva and clomid as pct ended up using the nolva mid way through which helped with the bloating and ran clomid pct at 50/50/25/25.

Looking at running a test 250mg twice weekly like first cycle but with tren added and maybe a bit of dbol for first 4weeks to kick start cycle. Want to run hcg this time to keep the nuts stimulated aswel as a AI which im not sure of what to run.

So basically would this be a good second cycle? Whats the best AI to run and what dosages would i run the hcg and tren.

Any help would be apreciated.
Ok so finished first cycle a few months ago, planning and taking suggestions for the next one...

Im 181cm tall weight about 90kgs with a fairly hight body fat %. Id say between 20 and 25%. Working on dropping that before my next cycle.

First cycle was straight test e 250mg twice weekly for 7weeks(500mg a week). Cut a 10week cycle short due to bloating and nut shrinkage. Had nolva and clomid as pct ended up using the nolva mid way through which helped with the bloating and ran clomid pct at 50/50/25/25.

Looking at running a test 250mg twice weekly like first cycle but with tren added and maybe a bit of dbol for first 4weeks to kick start cycle. Want to run hcg this time to keep the nuts stimulated aswel as a AI which im not sure of what to run.

So basically would this be a good second cycle? Whats the best AI to run and what dosages would i run the hcg and tren.

Any help would be apreciated.

Holy crap, you have much to high of BF% and that was probably what was the problem on the first cycle.
First always give your COMPLETE stats and some history.
This proposed cycle is not good at all. Dbol when you have a bloating problem < wrong
Tren for your second cycle very bad idea. Especially when you don't have a clue as to what you are doing...sorry but that's what I hear, not to be mean.

Tren or any compound won't help you w/ your diet. Diet , diet is what you need to start with and leave out the Tren and the Dbol.

You need to learn much, much more. You are not ready for this. :(
If you don't know or understand AI's and estrogen and prolactin just for starters u not ready.
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Thanx for the reply mate.

My bad forgot some vital info its my first post on here.
Im 23 years old had lifted in the past but only in about 5-6month stints. Have been lifting for about a year 5times a weekly religiously cycle included. Wanted to add a bit more bulk on first cycle but understand now that my weight and diet was and issue, still gained a decent amount of muscle along with the fat. Have been in a coloric deficit for 3 or so months now and am down to 89-90 from 97 post cycle. So to me the gains where worth it. Only investigating at the moment hence my post on here but id like to have droped to low to mid 80s before actually setting a date for my next cycle which im hoping would be end of this year. Only reason ive considerd tren is because of a friend that used it on his second cycle and put on huge gains as well as lost a heap of body fat. I have a base knowlage of what the AI's do and know i need them because of my bodys seceptability to the test aromitising...

Stil learning as i go so thanks for the comstructive criticism.