Second cycle ideas and pct break?


New member
First cycle was a dbol only cycle 6 weeks currently in 1st week of pct on nolva
Was wondering how soon i should start my next cycle was thinking test and sust 250 any ideas?
Yeah, I got an idea for ya....Do some (alot) more research!!
After that, put yourself together a real cycle, then bring it here for critique.
What gender are you? Oral only cycles are for females only. I'm assuming you are a male. You done screwed up bud. Read the ology faq's thread top to bottom. Fyi, you show how much you don't know by posting things like doing a test AND sust cycle. Sust is test. Please research before you really screw yourself up. Your probably bloated right now and will lose all your gains in the next coming weeks. Hopefully your pecker still works and your natty test recovers...
Hit the Enanthate at 500mg weekly split in two pins with exemestane at 12.5-25mg every day. Stack with HCG at 250mg twice weekly with your 250mg Test shot. You can't go wrong with this. The exemestane is an irreversible inhibition aromatase inhibitor. But the best part about it unlike its friends, it's hard to crash E2 levels with it. When you Test all by itself you can really dial in on sides and manage appropriately. This is important, take it from me. I'm running EQ and Test E and now I'm having trouble figuring out what's doing what. Once you know how the test works for you, then you can add more. Blood work, pre, mid, and post cycle. This is also very important. You will like the Enanthate, shits beast mode.
First cycle was a dbol only cycle 6 weeks currently in 1st week of pct on nolva
Was wondering how soon i should start my next cycle was thinking test and sust 250 any ideas?

Welcome to the forums! Please give us some stats that we can work with.
Hit the Enanthate at 500mg weekly split in two pins with exemestane at 12.5-25mg every day. Stack with HCG at 250mg twice weekly with your 250mg Test shot. You can't go wrong with this. The exemestane is an irreversible inhibition aromatase inhibitor. But the best part about it unlike its friends, it's hard to crash E2 levels with it. When you Test all by itself you can really dial in on sides and manage appropriately. This is important, take it from me. I'm running EQ and Test E and now I'm having trouble figuring out what's doing what. Once you know how the test works for you, then you can add more. Blood work, pre, mid, and post cycle. This is also very important. You will like the Enanthate, shits beast mode.

Why give out advice like this without knowing his stats? for all we know this could be a 18 year old kid. Lets do this right.
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Sorry mate new here but my stats are
20 years old male
15% bf
Been training for about 3 years tried dbol as an introduction, i do realise that it shuts down natural test, and ill loose the majority of my gains due to all the water retention. I regret running the cycle. But i was seeing if you guys could help as to what would be best to run for the next cycle.
im running
One 40mg
2/3and 4. 20mg
lol you guys are a trip. Red under my name... Y'all took rep points from me for asking about female AAS for my girlfriend. Tell me what was wrong with that. Then you take more for literally quoting a sticky. It is not your duty to prevent or persuade AAS use. Giving real information to assist someone who has already made the decision. The man cycled once already. He asked how to run test. I told him how. Bad info? Read the stickys. Take another rep.
Test and susta 250? Why not just stick with test and drop the sust. They are both same compounds but different esters.
I just saw your age, u r way to young bro. Wait 5-6 years and do ur firstcycle and trust me ull be glad u did. Stick around and learn and prep ur self.