Second cycle options!! Need help


New member
My first cycle was test e 600mg/wk for 10 weeks. I am currently on the tail end of my PCT taking 20mg Nolvadex (40/40/20/20). All seems well, I have lost some weight and strength, but that was expected and I still have net gains that I am happy with for now.

I am planning my second cycle I have narrowed my options to either

Test e 500mg/wk 10 weeks
Dianabol (methandrostenolone) 20mg Ed 4 weeks


Test e 500mg/wk 15 weeks
Boldenone 300mg/wk 15 weeks

Standard nolvadex + clomid PCT protocol
Using Arimidex .25 Ed (or as needed for the EQ cycle if that is my final choice)

I do not want to use HCG.

My main goal is strength and body recomposition. i plan on eating very big but much cleaner than my first go around. As for training i use a basic intermediate weight lifting set up (Starr's 5x5/texas method) and during the time I am "on" I plan on using some conditioning work with my weekly training this time around, Probably rowing.

What do you guys think?
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C' mon anybody??

I cycled test e 250 mg twice a week for 12 weeks , dianabol 50mg Daily first 6 weeks and deca 300 mg a week for whole cycle it worked pretty good! Coming of the dianabol sucked a little though, I lost about 6 pounds, I know it was just water but mentally it still sucked. I ran clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). I was also taking some femara in there too for gyno issues!
Your training should be more about muscle growth ! 5*5 is about connective tissue and power! Take your reps up in the 8 to 12 range when your on cycle . Every injury I ever had was during cycle trying to go too heavy! Ripped groin, torn tricep! It sucks to get hurt mid cycle!
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if you don't want to use HCG - the best way is using Aromasin 20mg per day plus clomid only us pct

Test e 500mg/wk 12 weeks-in my opinion 12 weeks enough
Boldenone 300mg/wk 12 weeks -.then increase to 500mg and shot two times per week

The next good step will be adding Anavar 50mg/ED for 6 week cycle :)


if you don't want to use HCG - the best way is using Aromasin 20mg per day plus clomid only us pct

Test e 500mg/wk 12 weeks-in my opinion 12 weeks enough
Boldenone 300mg/wk 12 weeks -.then increase to 500mg and shot two times per week

The next good step will be adding Anavar 50mg/ED for 6 week cycle :)


The reason I think 15 is better that 12 is due to the undecylenate ester.

My apprehension towards HCG stems from all the negatives I have read about it. In a nut shell some say its use during a cycle is a dated practice that isn't advised unless absolutely necessary. Aromasin vs Arimidex?? Sorry for my lack of knowledge on Aromasin, could you explain your stance on that?

So judging by your response, I could assume you feel that dianabol is over my head for a second cycle?

Also, my first go around went very well. As I said I'm closing in on being done completely with the post cycle therapy (pct). Is it common practice for people to repeat a cycle that yielded positive results? I want to be as simplistic as possible for as long as the simplicity works. My same thoughts go for training hence the Starr training routine.
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If its not broken don't fix it, I know guys who have done 5-6 cycles of test only before adding compounds with great results.
Nothing wrong with adding dbol as kick start but 20mgs is a little on the low side, don't forget dbol is an estrogen bomb so your gonna need to deal with estro sides early on so make sure your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosing is in check.
If its not broken don't fix it, I know guys who have done 5-6 cycles of test only before adding compounds with great results.
Nothing wrong with adding dbol as kick start but 20mgs is a little on the low side, don't forget dbol is an estrogen bomb so your gonna need to deal with estro sides early on so make sure your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosing is in check.

Would the standard .25 Arimidex everyday be a good dosage for 20mg methandrostenolone? I guess everyone is different and only I would be able to know via trail and error, but generally speaking, would this seem applicable?

Also, to double check, most reliable information suggests that time on cycle(10wks) + PCT (4wks) is a good time lapse between cycles. Is this pretty much correct, even for someone like myself with only 1 cycle under my belt?

What has your experience with Dianabol been like?

And what do you think about the 15 week Test E + EQ cycle?

Thanks! your neighbor in the US
I would start with the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at .25 every other day and if you see bloating and estrogen sides to up it from there, as you said every one is different and my sweet spot is .50 EOD but its trial and error and once you have a few cycles under your belt you'll figure out your sweet spot.

Honestly I no longer like Dbol as I look like the pilsbury dough boy on it.. Last cycle I ran Tbol and will never go back to dbol again. Again its all about trial and error and finding the compounds that work for you but at 20mgs your not gonna see a big increase, I would up it to 40mgs minimum to maximize its effect.

As far as a 15 week Test EQ cycle.. I am a little biased as I love EQ so I would say its a great cycle but its also a double edged knife. EQ promotes an increase in red blood cells, leads to elevated hematocrit, high blood pressure and gives you an enormous appetite. Running EQ involves alot more maintenance in regards to your body to be safe in my opinion. You need to donate blood, monitor blood pressure and have blood work done. Although these are things which are a good practice for any cycle they are even more important with EQ. As a second cycle its not a bad option as long as you are safe and willing to monitor yourself, but personally I would stick to the test and dbol kickstart and save the EQ for the third or 4th cycle and as stated Anavar would also be a good option going down the road.

Time on + PCT = time off.. Unless you have blood work done and levels are within norm and no issues
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I would start with the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at .25 every other day and if you see bloating and estrogen sides to up it from there, as you said every one is different and my sweet spot is .50 EOD but its trial and error and once you have a few cycles under your belt you'll figure out your sweet spot.

Honestly I no longer like Dbol as I look like the pilsbury dough boy on it.. Last cycle I ran Tbol and will never go back to dbol again. Again its all about trial and error and finding the compounds that work for you but at 20mgs your not gonna see a big increase, I would up it to 40mgs minimum to maximize its effect.

As far as a 15 week Test EQ cycle.. I am a little biased as I love EQ so I would say its a great cycle but its also a double edged knife. EQ promotes an increase in red blood cells, leads to elevated hematocrit, high blood pressure and gives you an enormous appetite. Running EQ involves alot more maintenance in regards to your body to be safe in my opinion. You need to donate blood, monitor blood pressure and have blood work done. Although these are things which are a good practice for any cycle they are even more important with EQ. As a second cycle its not a bad option as long as you are safe and willing to monitor yourself, but personally I would stick to the test and dbol kickstart and save the EQ for the third or 4th cycle and as stated Anavar would also be a good option going down the road.

Time on + PCT = time off.. Unless you have blood work done and levels are within norm and no issues

People should be paying for this.. Thank you very much