Second Cycle-Sust 250, Anadrol & Anavar


New member
Hey guys I am starting to plan for a second cycle and thought I'd see what everyone had to say or if they had any suggestions. I am 24 years old, 5'9", 215lbs, I have approx 16-18% bf. I have ran one cycle of Sust 250 for 12 weeks @ 500mg/week split into two shots. I had great gains and my post cycle therapy (pct) consisted of clomid for 4 weeks. I never experienced any signs of gyno or any other sides.

For my Second cycle I was thinking to run the following:
Weeks 1-12 Sust 250 @750mg/week
Weeks 1-4 Anadrol @50mg
Weeks 8-12 Anavar 60mg/day
Weeks 13-15 Nothing
Weeks 16-20 Clomid @ 50mg/day

I am looking to increase my lean mass and increase strength
I will be taking Milk Thistle everyday as a liver support.
Arimidex @ 0.5mg/EOD (Thanks bhrees)

My diet is very basic consisting of tuna,turkey,eggwhites, oats etc. and i eat 6 times per day two of which are usually shakes with some almonds or a protein bar. I am happy with my diet but am always interested in improving it.

I will be holding off on starting this cycle for a month or two until i get back into the swing of things as I've been gone from home since December.

I also have access to Faer products which is what I ran before and will most likely run again unless someone says otherwise.

Anyway thanks for looking guys and if i missed anything let me know. Thanks
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reccomend hcg during cycle and take ur adex anadrol is pretty strong. hit 1.5cc of sauce so 375mg a jab so 750mg a week of test. go big or go home. but u know ur body best. listen to ur self n all is good.

good luck ps nolvadex would help post cycle therapy (pct). i also hit up clen it helps me for post cycle therapy (pct) keeps me goin. also heard good thngs of toremefine for post cycle therapy (pct) but personally never used it. good luck. post cycle therapy (pct) is most important time!!!!?

post cycle therapy (pct) for 4 weeks definately

also sauce has long esthrs as well as short esthers so dont start post cycle therapy (pct) till bout ten to 14days after last jab.
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oops i see how i wrote that wrong for my PCT. I had intended to show that i would be starting it 3 weeks after last jab not for three weeks i will edit it. do you recommend the adex after i finish with the anadrol?
thanks for the input guys. If i increase my sust dose to 750mg/week is it more effective to do it in three shots over the week or just stick with the two?