Second cycle t400 decca and dbol


New member
Ok so I'm 5 ft 11 n i weigh about 165 right now and I'm 35 years 1st cycle I ran str8 t400 from bio tech...good stuff I must say...I started my first cycle weighing at 146...I had been weight training I g for about 3 years b4 I decided for a little was the second day of my 3rd week that I gained my first 2 lbs..from then on i gained 2 lbs a day every day until I hit 178...I eventually dropped down to 160..I was upset but I looked at it like I'm still up 14 lbs from the jump...I did my post with str8 nolvadex 50 mg a day for 2 weeks then 25 mg a day for 2 weeks then 12.5 a day for 1 has been about 7 mnths since my last cycle...3 days ago I started my second cycle...dbol t400 and decca all from bio tec 2 high i kno is good gear...I got 50 mg dbol tabs so that's just what I'm taking..I take half in the morning and the other half pre 50 mg a day of dbol for 4 weeks is the plan...and 3/4 ml of t400 and 3/4 ml of decca e3d...I honestly dnt have any type of diet routine set up i was just told to make sure I get my protien every 2 hours and around 30 to 40 grams...I 2 as told I have hardly a y body fat so I dnt have to watch what I eat and I eat everything..literally...last cycle I did the same and I put on 32 lbs in 6 weeks and my bench went up 100 lbs my squat went up 75...other than my diet anyone have any input? Not enough decca or test? Too much dbol? I've read all of that but dnt K O about my particular situation...O and the decca is just for my joints I've been having pains in my right elbow from the last cycle
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What aromatase inhibitor did you run last cycle or did you forget to use one? If you didn't use one the mystery is over as to why you put on a lot of weight and subsequently lost much of it. Water retained by the high estradiol.

What AI are you using for this newest cycle?

What Dopamine Agonist are you using for this newest cycle given that you are using Deca?

Are you using hCG on this cycle? Deca is very HPTA suppressive!

How long will your new cycle be and when will you end each compound? It might have been listed above but it was hard to follow given the lack of paragraph structure.
This is exactly why I got on here. My nipple started getting sort around d week 8 last cycle and the guy told me something to get over the counter it was nolvadren xt. When I started taking it I immediately stopped gaining but I was told I was still building muscle mass and it was cutting my water so it was doing what it was supposed to. I still have that now. Do I need to start taking it again or do I need arimadex? I can get whatever I need but as I stated before I was told I wouldn't need anything but the nolvadex for post.
I plan to run the dbol at 50 mg a day for 4 weeks. The t400 and decca for 12 weeks at 2 ml a piece a week. Sorry I dnt kno how it breaks down to mgs.

I kno i needed to kno more from the start but I'm hoping I can get the rest of the info I need on here.
You are right yoda and thanks for your input......I kno i need as much advice as possible. At the time I started i never even heard of these sites. My source actually competes and I K O several guys that do and I talk to them all on a daily basis. They're all the ones that gave me the info...I actually talked to him earlier and asked if I needed a y thing else n he told me only nolvadex for my post...I even asked if I needed to run clomid with it and he told me he only ever used nolvadex for post. I actually just remembered he told me to take 2 50 mg dbol tabs my first day to jump start and I recently read on here 25 to 30 mg is plenty dbol period. I took 100 mg my first day.
I will Def check out the 3 j's nutrition page one the diet.
So I need arimadex asap for the test and the other 2 u need i e never even heard of those
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Yeah for sure check out rui they have prami I am using caber right now same cycle check it out in my cycles may help you out I am novice as well
Ok thanks again yoda...I actually found something with the same exact cycle posted by tells what to take how and when as far as on cycle and post...thanks again man.
One question...I've read on dbol and that u lose about 60 % of your gains afterwards. What is your take on that? And by running arimadex while on cycle will that help with how I lost over half of my gains on my first cycle?
The arimidex or aromasin is what you take to help not gain as much water weight so you shouldn't see as much of a drastic loss later no problem bro and goodluck to you just chat with the guys on here and you will get lots of great info
Ok so yoda or megatron I have a few questions.
Ok so my buddy can only get biotech stuff and he says they dnt have arimadex. But I do have someone else but my other guy said for arimadex I shouldn't pay more than ##### a piece n this guy told me #### a piece.
Ok so I guess I need the arimadex so I'm going to pay it. How many do I need and how do I take them? And for how long?
Yoda I seen u say something about caber. I'm not sure what that is. Do I need that too?
Also so e one said something about taurine for back pumps. I'm not sure what that is and if I need it or not.
And the last thing. Hcg...He says he has that too and it's something u put under your tongue. So when do I start my hcg?
Sorry for so many questions but I want to do this cycle right.
Thanks in advance for any help you guys
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One more thing. I've read so much about dbol I'm confused.

I have 50 mg metabol which is biotech. I see guys talking about u only need 25 to 30 mg a day and to spilt it up throughout the day to keep your levels the same.

I've seen some say take the whole thing in the morenin. I've seen some say about an hour b4 you work out.

Then I read that what u need out the pull may not b spilt evenly through the pill so if 7 take half u may not really b getting the half.

I kno alot of the time guys on here tell you to go here or there and read but I have and I hear different things.

So with 50 mg dbol tabs I mean if I only take 25 mg that's half a pill and I break that half into threes those will b tiny little pieces.

I've been mixing it up. I'm confused and dnt kno how I should take them but next week is my 4th week I guess I'm asking lat anyway I'd still like some input