Second Cycle Thoughts??


New member
Hey guys I'm starting to think of what to run for my second (mid-summer recomposition) cycle and was wondering what your thoughts were.

Height - 5 11
Age - 23
Weight - 200 lbs

Lifting for 6 years, seriously the past 3. Already ran a test e cycle and have had decent results which I appear to be keeping (gained a little too much fat too though).

The cycle I'm planning:
Weeks 1-12: test E 500-600mg/week (2x/week)
Weeks 1-4: dbol 30mg/day
Weeks 6-12: Anavar 80mg/day (3x/day @ 30/30/20)
Weeks 13-14: Off
Weeks 15-18: Nolva 40/40/20/20 (and maybe also clomid 50/50/50/50)

AI: Aromasin at 6.25mg EoD, or every 3rd day (depending on sides)

I've done some research and have seen different variations and lengths to use Anavar and dbol for so I'm looking at going with the average that I've found.

All constructive criticism is very welcomed, especially from those with Var experience.

P.S. Is it necessary to run a liver support with Var such as milk thistle, and taurine for cramps?