second cycle your opinion....


New member
Main goal size/strength.....
28 yo
190 lbs

1-16 sustanon 500 mg week
1-16 eq 800 mg week
1-16 liquid stane as needed
1-4 dbol 30mg day

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20

Can't get my hands on any hcg

a little side questions......

Would you use Test 400 over sustanon or would you just use cypionate?

Should I stop the eq use acouple weeks before?

4 weeks of dbol enough or would you do 6 weeks?
For such a long cycle hcg would be great.
I don't like sustanon and I think that the only reason why he is still alive is that you can get it farma grade. All these blends are unnecessary. If sustanon is from underground - better use Test E/C.