Second Cycle


New member
Height: 3'3"
BF: 11%
4 years steady in the gym
diet is straight

I did a cycle last fall of just Test E (no sides/issues). I would like to do 12 weeks of Test E again but maybe with dbol or? I'm just not sure how much and how long to run the dbol and also what, if any, other pct to run for it. Any suggestions?

1-12 Test E 500mg/wk
1-12 Aromasin 12.5 mg eod
? Dbol
7-14 HCG

post cycle\unleashed
dbol for 4wks of the cycle either wks 1-4 as a kickstart or in the middle of the cycle. 30-40mg a day is a good starting point.
fuck dbol as a kick start,, wait till your test is fully kicked in and i mean where you know you are getting it and getting it good then use the dbol, that's how you get nice gains off of test dbol...
fuck dbol as a kick start,, wait till your test is fully kicked in and i mean where you know you are getting it and getting it good then use the dbol, that's how you get nice gains off of test dbol...

I have never tried it like this! I might just try that sometime. running dbol in the middle of a cycle.