Seizure Letter?????

Recently a pack was seized on 2-27 we go the letter on Monday of this week....
do packages get siezed because the sender is under investigation...or do they scan all packages and see viles, pinz, etc. inside?
i believe it is if they are under invesigation...if a package is correctly packed, i dont think it will scan correctly if at all....

eastarr69 said:
i believe it is if they are under invesigation...

Thats not true bro.......

It all depends on how good it's packed. If your source doesn't know how to pack then it will get seized. If he is good at it then you don't have anything to worry about.
everything will be looked at closely right now. make sure your source does a good job packing or you will be pissing your money away. if thats the case send the funds to me i will put them to good use j/k lol