serious help needed from experts


New member
male 24 5.8 150 lbs bf unknown...have been training last 4 years but now m serious...this would be my first cycle...
sustanon250 500mg for 10 weeks
dianabol 20mg ed for 6weeks..
pct 2weeks after last shot of sus
clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
AI 0.25 mg ed if gyno
guys some people say i dont need pct for this low dose poor cycle...what answer do i suppose to give them?
and what if i really cut this pct out of my syllabus??
need some good advice from you experts...
and how much gain 1 can possibly expect from this cycle?
You should have said you had turned 25, thats the cut off age for using gear.

There is no "cut off" or age requirement per se. 25 is the recomended age but along with that diet and a few years of training is a must.

At 5'8, 150lbs and training for 4 years something is amiss. Either your training is sub par or more than likely your diet is horrendous. Get your diet in check before even considering a cycle. What is your daily intake looking like right now? Toucan easily gain at least 10-20lbs naturally.

If you are going to be irresponsible and do it anyways always remember that a PCT is a MUST! We lose some gains even with successful PCT tou would lose even more and risk not recovering properly without one.
Also keep in mind that Sustanon has multiple esters and your system won't be completely "clean" after only 2 weeks. I'm not an expert on clearance times of sust so I will defer this to those more experienced with it.
If you're going to do a cycle you use an AI from the beginning to help prevent gyno. Waiting to start using it when you see gyno is too late. Try .25mg of arimidex eod.

Get pre, mid and post-cycle blood work. Ask if you are unsure of what to check (e.g, LH and FSH).

I would drop the oral AAS. Keep your first cycle simple. When you run into complications it will be easier to figure out what the cause is and how to adjust.

If you drop the PCT, you risk either taking a much longer time turning your natural testosterone production back on to previous normal levels or never turning it back on. Exogenous testosterone suppresses your HPTA and you will stop making your own testosterone naturally while on cycle.
get your diet and training down first. if you don't have a solid base youll piss most of your gains away or get injured because you grew to fast. get close to your natural potential before cycling. I'm not trying to be mean but if you shoot sust and dbol at 150lbs your going to look like a bloated fat fuck on cycle
There is no "cut off" or age requirement per se. 25 is the recomended age but along with that diet and a few years of training is a must.

At 5'8, 150lbs and training for 4 years something is amiss. Either your training is sub par or more than likely your diet is horrendous. Get your diet in check before even considering a cycle. What is your daily intake looking like right now? Toucan easily gain at least 10-20lbs naturally.

If you are going to be irresponsible and do it anyways always remember that a PCT is a MUST! We lose some gains even with successful PCT tou would lose even more and risk not recovering properly without one.

Bolded section is all thats important here, the guy is 150lbs after 4 years training FFS.
No one here should be advising him about taking steroids at all.
Quick question for the OP , what did you weigh 4 years ago?
Learn how to eat before doing roids, even if u gained 20 pound during the cycle u still gonna look tiny bro, get your diet in check first, push over 2 bills then consider
There is no way you're at your natural potential. I'm starting to realize there is no end to ignorance like this and a general disregard for one's own safety, along with an endless surplus of people not willing to do a little reading....I mean no disrespect, but come on. The fact that you haven't given us your bf is making it look worse, but honestly at that small it wouldn't matter cuz the answer remains the same. I guarantee your diet is awful. it to me 2 years naturally to go from 130 to 205 and I still didn't even think about cycling for another 4 years after that. then I did research for another 2 before I started. Please don't cycle. Idc about you being twenty four. close enough so Fuck it. what I care about is the fact that you are NOWHERE NEAR ready for juice. Please take these guys advice. And pct......ALWAYS FUCKING NEEDED!
Shit I am assuming your bf is low to begin wih bein 150lbs at 5'8, get those cals up, dont be affraid to put on some excess bf in the process, u can gain lots wihout juice if eating habbits were better bro
Use a macro calculator to figure out your daily intake, works wonders bro, google macro calculator, sit down figure out some meal plans that fit those macros and go from there
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Like megatron said, prevention is the best medicine. Use AI to prevent any kind of breast tissue from developing. Optimally you would get blood work before, during and after. This will help you optimize your cycle and help you prevent complications/gauge recovery better. It's definitely worth it. Ask yourself this, is anything that could possibly keep your endocrine system from shutting down permanently worth running? The answer is hell yes. Definitely do PCT, and if you can get your hands on it, get some hcg and take it during cycle. Some people recover fine from light cycles, others not so much. It's your body, if you want to skip PCT that's your choice and your choice alone.

My personal recomendation, go back to your diet and training. 4 years is enough to really tap into your genetic potential. 4 years done right will get you a respectable physique in anyones book. 5'8 at 150 is really light for someone who has been training for 4 years. You probably have a lot left to learn about nutrition and fitness and it would help you to know these things if you are taking steroids. It's just not worth it if you don't.
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