Share your motorcycle trips

rode 600 miles this weekend from friday afternoon until saturday night. went all over tennessee and up through the land between the lakes national park into kentucky.saw me some buffalo lol.
Nice. I imagine there are some good curvy and mountainous road and good scenery, compare to what I have here in the flatlands, our road are all straight.
Nice. I imagine there are some good curvy and mountainous road and good scenery, compare to what I have here in the flatlands, our road are all straight.

we rode 1500 miles last september through the smoky mountains in tennessee and the carolinas along with the north georgia area around helen georgia. that was some CURVES .the " tail of the dragon " road is famous for having 318 curves in 11 miles and it is a challenge IF you run it fairlly hard . there are curves in north georgia that are even worse imo but they are spaced a little farther apart .i found a curvy road [ found means i was lost lol ] in north georgia that had 4 back to back switchbacks in maybe 50 yards but each one was at the top of about a 12-15 ft rise/bump i came off a hill and saw them and couldnt wait , i ripped through the 1st 3 quick but when i went to slam it over on the last i found out quick that the hill was off camber and i was scrapeing the floorboards as soon as i leaned . countersteering saved my ass lol.