Sharp Pain In Lower Right side


New member
For the past week or so I have been getting slight pains in my lower right side, toward the front. I haven't been on any Orals for a few months not, at least 3 months. And then it was a low dose of dball around 25mgs a day.
Pain doesn't come often during the day, but I just got a sharp one just now which made me post this. I have been drinking alot of water since this started. Is there anything else I can/should do? Going to the doc is out of the question as of now because I am not working and have no insurance.
I plan to do a full physical once I get a job and have medical coverage.

Any ideas could it be anything bad? Or is it something simple that a few over the counter supplements can take care of?
Are you currently in a cycle or are you taking anything?

I'm no expert, but I believe it impossible to make a diagnosis based on so little information. I know that you might not have much information though.
You live in the states bro, that's what the DPW is for. Department of Public Welfare. If you have a problem get it checked out. More than likely since you don't have a job nor insurance, it'll be wiped off the books and picked up by social services. My brother had his wisdom teeth out a few years ago and my sister had pins put in her broken foot and both didn't pay a dime.