SHIT! been blasting and cruising, Want to donate blood but had unprotected sex!!!!

Thats what im saying..but I guess the FDA doesnt have time or money to scan it all thoroughly so..bah well take our chances ;) fuckin fda

Not really the FDA's fault... making blood safe by testing alone ranges from economically infeasible to downright impossible.
I donate every 60 days through the Red Cross. The only thing I'm not being factual with is my length of military service oversees, as their screening for Mad Cow disease. I was last over there in 1988, fairly certain according to my primary care doc if I had MC, I would know it by now.
Morality aside, here is what the Red Cross tests for:
American Red Cross said:
The American Red Cross performs laboratory tests for multiple infectious disease markers on every unit of donated blood. Tests are upgraded or replaced with more sensitive technologies as these become available. These tests include:

Chagas disease (T. cruzi)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV 3.0)
Human Immunodeficiency viruses, Types 1 and 2 (HIV 1,2)
Human T-Lymphotropic virus (HTLV-I/II)
Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)
West Nile virus (WNV)

In addition to these tests, the Red Cross tests every unit to identify the donor’s blood group (O, A, B or AB) and Rh type, and screens for atypical or unusual red cell antibodies. Screening for antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV) is also available.
I know guys that donate to get a free STD screen lol. I'm not saying that's right, but I'm not touching the moral side of this topic. :p
Just go in need to say u use steroids cause you will be declined in a heartbeat. It's easy just fill the form out and Def don't check yes to steroid use
The blood is check but haven't had any issues with them they filter out the blood anyways before doing transfusions
I donate every 60 days through the Red Cross. The only thing I'm not being factual with is my length of military service oversees, as their screening for Mad Cow disease. I was last over there in 1988, fairly certain according to my primary care doc if I had MC, I would know it by now.

That's exactly why they turned me down. Cuz I was in Europe for more then 3 years at the time of the Mad Cow Disease. Funny thing is that I had donated regularly and had never lied about it. Then that time they told me I can't anymore....