Mad- scientist
I hate to say to every on in this thread this piece of advice but telling the truth when giving blood for the reasons being mentioned on this forum usually would be basically like showing up their and knowing they are going to not let you donate. Then you will have to do a therapeutic blood draw which will cost a good amount probably. If some one is blasting and cruising they with out a doubt need to give blood. And if it is TRT and monitored by a doctor their should be no legal problems giving the blood to my knowledge.
Im not on TRT though so I don't know if you guys are aloud to give blood or not. I would assume you should be able to since TRT is mimicking the bodies natural hormones in normal ranges.
Im not on TRT though so I don't know if you guys are aloud to give blood or not. I would assume you should be able to since TRT is mimicking the bodies natural hormones in normal ranges.