Should I rethink taking steroids at 22 y/o?


New member
I've been interested in steroids for months now. I am very good at putting on muscle, very good at keeping track of and maintaining my diet, and I really know how to get a good pump in the gym. I take my training seriously. I was very soon preparing for a short 12 week cycle of 500mg/w test, I have everything... needles, serms, aromatase inhibitors, even stuff to combat prolactin-related gyno, stuff to sterilize my gear. I've done a lot of research.

But for some reason I am only now starting to come across a lot of threads of people suggesting against people my age taking steroids... for all sorts of reasons. Stuff like, they took them 20 years ago as a kid (possibly before knowledge of PCT?) and have a bunch of health problems now, or that my testosterone is high naturally as it is and I have no need for any supplemental testosterone, and so on.

The main reason I wanted to do a cycle was experience the accelerated healing and increased rate of gains that steroids can offer. I'm no where near my 'genetic potential', and I have no desire to become "huge". I'm interested in how steroids can improve my various athletic capabilities, from training my speed, plyo-explosive power and so on. Basically to use them to accelerate training, and then go off of them once I've reached my functional-goals. I don't desire long-term, because there's only so much I can get out of my muscles at a given size. I'm basically extremely curious and eager.

Would it really be a mistake for me to do a single 12 week cycle of just test at my age? I've always been into experimenting with my body, with various nootropics. I'm extremely good at maintaining my diet and training intensity, on or off, but people (on this forum and others) are making it sound like I am going to totally and permanently wreck my body by doing them at this age, even if I do my PCT perfectly.

Input is greatly appreciated.... is one cycle followed by a proper 4 week pct really going to mess me up so badly? And please don't tell me not to do them because I don't "need them". Most people taking steriods do not 'need them', they do it for the performance increase, do they not?


I guess a more direct question is: Will I do irreversible harm, however small, to my body from a 12 week 500mg test cycle, followed by a properly executed 4 week pct?
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Welcome to Ology.

We often have people come here saying their diet is on point and they know what they're doing. Similar to how people post pics saying they're at 10% bf when really they're at 20%. So pardon my initial skepticism.

The main reason people wish to take steroids is because they're lazy. They wish to push beyond boundaries and a little Vitamin S is a "magic" hormone that will help. AAS burn fat and increase muscle genesis. However, most don't want to spend more money on food and perfecting training as they would rather the magic pill. So I'm glad you've already admitted you're NOT at your genetic potential, that already gives you the answer.

At 22 your endocrine system is yet to be fully developed so by injecting testosterone you'll be doing more damage to your body than one a few years older. Every person risks being shut down for life (or diminished returns) when they run a cycle. Being 22 will only increase that risk. Will you be one of the people that will HAVE to go on TRT for life for this one cycle? Who knows. But you may. It's a big gamble...

I waited until I was over 25. I competed naturally up to 25 and then started cycling afterwards. BBing is a hobby of mine, I don't blase and cruise and I don't care about a Pro-card, however I felt it was a good idea to wait. Similar to not getting an ugly tattoo whilst drunk, best not to inject yourself with exogenous testosterone for the rest of your life because you killed your endogenous levels when you were 22.
Thanks for your advice. Very much appreciated and is making me give second thought since I know I am already in great shape.

The concern for me that you've raised is people having to go permanently on TRT. Is this a risk for anyone who uses steroids no matter their age? Like a gamble with anyones body? Or is this only a concern for people who use them at a young age, which sometime puts their system into a permanent decline? I find this interesting since there are studies that show the very act of putting on muscle can permanently raise ones testosterone levels, relative to what's needed to maintain that amount of muscle.

Another question (for when I'm older I suppose)

Is it possible to make any permanent gains on steroids, that you can keep, that you would ordinarily not be able to achieve no matter what while off? Basically, to permanently push past my limit, to establish a new level that my body can now maintain while off cycle, assuming I work hard enough? Maybe for something such as speed/plyo training? Kind of like showing the body that there is a higher level it can reach? Or is this moot reasoning and everything is achievable with enough training?

I would assume this is possible, right? Or else I think it sort of defeats the purpose of people using steroids in the first place, since most people aren't on cycle 24/7.
Testosterone does not increase with muscle mass increase. That's a fallacy.

Being 22, while risking potential permanent HPTA shut down, which is a risk at any age - also carries the risk of interrupting the final stages of your development. The problem is that you can't necessarily see this development, so many younger guys dismiss it quickly.

The last final touches mommy nature bestows on us? The brain.

You seem like a pretty level-headed guy, which is something that may change. Ever notice how the "manlets" (guys that OBVIOUSLY cycled young and are stuck at 5-foot-nothing) tend to be douchebags? That's because they never developed impulse control and higher reasoning.

(note: That's not an attack on shorter Bros, and I hope everyone knows what kind of guys I'm referring to. Think traps bigger than their heads lol.)

I'd MASTER your diet and training. Once you've done that, you'll likely have a great base to work with and actually be ready for AAS if it still interests you at that time.

Oh, the reason; okay, one of the main reasons that folks lose size after they completely stop AAS - is because they went beyond what their natural testosterone can support. If the body can't support it, it will remove it. That, and those retards that swear they gained 60lbs of muscle in one cycle, when it's 90% water they built up due to a lack of education. But that's an entirely different thread. ;)

My .02c :)
Halfwit and Onk have given great advice already...

I'm only going to add that I decided to use steroids about your age.. only slightly younger. I'm now stuck on TRT. My body could never regain proper production of testosterone agian - and I tried EVERYTHING. All manner of restarts & therapies, perfect diet & sleep, etc. My balls just gave up on me.

Don't make a decision now that could potentially effect the rest of your life. Wait a couple more years (which is nothing in the long run) and let that risk factor drop significantly.
You guys make some excellent points. My mind is definitely changed. I'll probably look towards gene doping before I look to AAS anytime soon. There's a lot of interesting development in the genetics field these days.