Should I stop taking protein shakes?


New member
I'm trying to lose some body fat. Will it be harder to do that if I take a whey protein shake?

Also...what happens to the protein if you take a shake but don't work out? Does it turn into fat? (not that I do this...just wondering what happens to extra protein)
they whey protein is not going to hinder fat loss. it can be an essential way to keep your protein intake up. aim for 1.5g/lb bodyweight and you will be fine.
No, don't stop taking your whey protein hun. As Jen said, it is very beneficial in getting the adequate amount of protein. The caloric value is quite low as well so , no worries.:)
"Should I stop taking protein shakes?"
Read it once more bro, NEVER ever stop taking them! only increase dosage! :)
They wont make u gain fat and protein dont become fat if u dont workout. U should take it on days off also.. but that u know right?
right on, thanks everyone..., I always did take protein no matter how my workout changed
...i've just been getting bad advice thats all, and I wanted to find out for sure